
Goosechase is a multimedia platform and app for creating multimodal scavenger hunting. Using Goosechase, students can take photos or videos of scavenger hunting objects, solve puzzles and word puzzles, and tag themselves at GPS sites, such as historic monuments. Students are able to participate either individually or in teams to gain points for the various missions they accomplish. They can also see a live leaderboard that adds a competitive aspect to the operation. Scavenger Hunts can be an active way to engage students in content exploration, particularly on field trips. Scavenger hunting helps students to discover knowledge for themselves, work in teams, and enjoy an authentic learning experience. That being said, due to privacy issues and the use of GPS data, we suggest using Goosechase only if you have students over the age of 13.

Learning Activities


Explore a building (school, museum, subway, etc…) and take pictures of geometric shapes used in the design and construction of the building.


Take a field trip to a museum, zoo, or aquarium and have students create videos explaining different exhibits. For example, students could create a short video at the Giraffe exhibit using information from class, zoo staff, and zoo signs. 

English/Language Arts

Students use Goosechase to find books in the library using the Dewey Decimal System. 


Students create a scavenger hunt to teach their families/peers/community about the history of their town or city.

Mix and match mission types

When designing your hunt, a variety of mission types can be used to deliver the best event.


Simple & exhilarating. The classic with a twist! 


Powerful & flexible. Great for riddles, puzzles & surveys. 


Creative check-ins. Perfect for location puzzles & race checkpoints.