Yes, Ramadan is easy. it is alsoa source of ease. It brings so much ease into our lives that we should glorifyAllah and be thankful. This ease is not only spiritual, but physical andpsychological too.

Surely it is best to understand what the Quran teaches. Prophet Muhammad was a walking Quran. Many of today's translations capture the meaning very well. I translated the Quran, did my best to keep the meaning intact, and made it easy to read. It is posted here:

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The Holy Quran is a book of Guidance (Hidaya). If one does not understand Arabic since he/she is of a different nationality, he/she should be able to read and easily understand the message and meaning in their own language. The goal is to understand the message Allah is conveying to HIS creation and act upon it. Language should not be given so much emphasis. Allah Almighty does want hardship on his followers, but rather ease and comfort. Holy Quran was revealed to the prophet in Arabic because that is the only language he knew, therefore it was easy for him to understand and teach to His followers. Why wasn't the Quran revealed in Persian or English etc.? I leave it to your imagination.However, if one an has the desire, time and will to learn Quran in Arabic, more power to them, but the idea is to understand the message and live upto it.

It is far too easy to focus on individual acts of terrorism and extremism, and ignore the global patterns in such violence. The Burke Chair at CSIS has assembled a wide range of indicators that help quantify and explain these patterns, and that look beyond the crises of the moment to examine longer term trends. They include a range of tables, graphs, and maps that help put the global patterns of terrorism in perspective, and that show the relationships between extremist and terrorist movements, the reject of such movements by the vast majority of Muslims, and the critical role that Muslim states play as strategic partners in the fight against such movements.

It is equally easy to avoid analyzing the links between extremist violence and Islam in order to be politically correct or to avoid provoking Muslims and the governments of largely Muslim states. The end result is to ignore the reality that most extremist and terrorist violence does occur in largely Muslim states, although it overwhelmingly consists of attacks by Muslim extremists on fellow Muslims, and not some clash between civilizations.

Had it been an easy gain and a moderate trip, the hypocrites would have followed you, but distant to them was the journey. And they will swear by Allah, "If we were able, we would have gone forth with you," destroying themselves [through false oaths], and Allah knows that indeed they are liars.

The one who does not let his mount rest will not reach his destination and he will become like one who is cut off, because his mount is no longer able to continue, so he is close to doom. Had he been kind to his mount and taken it easy during his journey, his mount would have been able to travel the distance with him and get him to his destination. End quote. Fath al-Baari by Ibn Rajab (1/136-139).

Its morals and deeds are the most perfect of morals and the most righteous of deeds, in which are the best interests of religion, this world and the Hereafter. By missing out on them, nothing good can be achieved. They are all easy and simple; everyone who is accountable sees himself as able to do them and does not find any hardship or difficulty in doing so.

The five prayers are repeated five times every day and night, at the appropriate times. The All-Knowing, All-Aware has made them more easy making it obligatory to offer them in congregation and gathering to offer them, because gathering to perform acts of worship makes them easier, and decreed that there should be a great deal of goodness in religious commitment and soundness of faith, and that there should be both immediate and deferred rewards, which makes the believer find comfort in doing them and praise Allaah for enjoining them on His slaves, for they cannot do without them.

This view that Islam is easy to understand and practice, is one which is derived from the primary sources of Islam. In the Quran, Allah comforts us by continuously reassuring us that He desires for us ease not hardship, despite the seemingly formidable trials and tribulations that we may sometimes face. He says:


Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter.

Many people find the understanding of certain Arabic words helpful in remembering what comes next while reading it off by heart. Though the Arabic language is not really easy to learn, our Best Online Arabic Course will make the learning process much easier.

Of all the religions of the world, there is one religion that sanctified the role of the intellect. There is so much in our Islamic tradition that honors and elevates the role of the intellect in human affairs. The true nature of piety is not ignorance or obliviousness, but a fully engaged intellect that is disciplined in the path of God, wrestles with the challenges that thinking poses to human beings, and employs the gifts of the intellect in a relationship with God. It is easy to be dumb and pious. You can keep yourself ignorant and claim that you are the most pious person in the world, but your faith and piety are empty because they are based on absolutely nothing.

If you are in a position of authority and you make life difficult for people who are under you, the Prophet (peace be on him) made dua to Allah to make things difficult for you. Conversely, if you make things easy for others, within the permissible boundaries, he asked Allah to make life easy for you.

Allah loves the person who is easy going and cheerful. Train yourself to be cheerful. It is hasanaat (good deeds) which are easy to acquire like al ghanimatul baridah (cold booty). Instead of earning them the hard way on the battle field, you can pile them up by simply being cheerful. If you are not in the mood today, when will you be?

Islam is easy religion but it is often conveyed by half-knowledged people that it is a tough religion. This becomes the reason many people shrink away from Islam and go far from it. Thus, in this post, we are sharing that Islam offers greater convenience at every stage of life.

A common thread concerning the Islamic inheritance laws is that the rules are not easy to decipher and apply. Even in Muslim majority countries, Islamic courts struggle to decipher the rules and apply them to a given fact pattern. 0852c4b9a8

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