It's done to focus on the mining process. Start it hassle-free within just a few minutes and forget the countless hours waisted to configure a bitcoin miner. It's easy to mine bitcoins, litecoin, bytecoins,monero and many more!

I'm working on my miner for my "game" site that's basically a pre-image attack from a hash posted online. You submit a hash input, it's hashed, and your score is the hamming distance (the number of bits that differ) between the two values. If it matters, I'm using Skein-1024 v1.3

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My miner up until now has been incrementing a value and hashing it. Increment, hash, increment, hash ad infinium. I wrote it so that when I close the miner, it saves it's current highest value that way when I restart it I won't start back over at 1 and hash all the same inputs again. I can pick up where I left off. This has proven to be some what successful. However, I'm curious if the miner might be more fruitful by generating random numbers instead of incrementing.

Block authors compete for the right to produce the next block, but there can be more than one winner at a time. In proof of work, miners earn the right to author on top of a given block (roughly) by finding a way to produce a new block that hashes to a unique random number that falls below some difficult target. It may take a huge number of tries before a miner finds a block which satisfies this condition in a sufficiently competitive environment. For reference, the cumulative hashrate of the Bitcoin network at the time of writing is 162 Exahashes per second, meaning that Bitcoin miners in aggregate attempt 162 quintillion times per second to earn the right to contribute the next block, and the difficulty target is set so on average only one hash will be below the target every 10 minutes. Note that it is possible for multiple miners to, roughly simultaneously, find a solution, which introduces a small fork in the blockchain. Future miners will have to choose which of those blocks to mine on top of, which can cause the forks to lengthen. The rule is to follow the longest chain, and it gets progressively more difficult for an attacker starting from a past block to catch up to and overwhelm some longer chain. As such, a block that is deep enough into the longest chain may be considered probabilistically final.

Unlike miners in proof of work, validators in an Ouroboros-style network need only run one computation for the chance to author a block as opposed to the absurdly large numbers of hashes that miners have to do. This allows validators to spend most of their time on building a block with transactions and subsequently allows the blockchain to contain more valuable computation.

if you implementing standard Equihash algorithm you may take any working miner, add printing some debug outputs to it on each step, and then compare its output to yours, just to figure out where you start to differ.

(1) Check the hashrate of the miner every two hours. The batch management software BTC Tools can be used on site to view or log in to the corresponding mining pool website to check the hashrate. BTC Tools can set up pool miners in batches and check the hashrate temperature in real-time. It is recommended to install the Google Chrome browser and set it as the default. You can double-click the scanned miner to enter the backstage without filling in the user name and password. If the root password of the miner's backstage has been changed, when you need to fill in the user name and password in the browser, you can click "Settings" in the upper right corner of the BTC Tools software to change to a new password.

(3) Regularly check whether the miner is leaking electricity. Some miners have electrified shells due to improper grounding, and the control board and hash board can be easily damaged when the miner is running.

(1) Regularly check whether the spare broadband line is standard. You can connect the spare network cable from the router backstage or laptop to check. The miner network and the living network need to be separated separately to avoid network security when accessing unknown URLs in the living area and to prevent downloading and watching videos from occupying the network speed, which affects the connection between the miner and the mining pool, and the hashrate fluctuations. It is necessary for the network administrator to limit the speed of the IP in the living area on the router or switch side and do not visit unknown websites.

(2) Regularly Ping whether the delay of the mining pool used by the current miner is stable. If the delay is more than 100ms, you need to check the internal and external networks. The network manager will check whether the network equipment is faulty on the local area network. The broadband operator needs to check the equipment line for the external network. The delay is too high Will cause fluctuations in hashrate. The Ping function option is located in Network-Diagnostics. The current mining pool address cannot be pinged when checking the network with 0 hashrate. It is a network failure.

Measure the temperature of the air inlet of the miner every day and try to control it at 10 to 25C. Suppose the temperature near the air inlet of the miner exceeds 30C. In that case, it is easy to cause high-temperature protection and 0 hashrate, and the ambient temperature needs to be reduced in time. It is possible to check whether there is a backflow of warm air at the miner's location. You need to pay attention to the fact that the small fan of some third-party power supplies and the miner fan has opposite wind directions, which causes the temperature to overlap. At this time, you need to reposition the power supply direction. High-temperature protection the hardware of the miner with 0 hashrate is not damaged. The hashrate can be restored after lowering the ambient temperature. The mine needs to formulate a plan to reduce the ambient temperature as soon as possible, such as installing water curtains, installing negative pressure fans, and isolating heat and cold.

Measure the humidity near the air inlet of the miner every day to check whether there is condensation in the shelf, miner, power cord, and other locations. If the humidity exceeds 65% RH, it needs to be lowered. The distance between the water curtain and the shelf will also increase the humidity. Generally, the distance between 2-3 meters should not be too close or too far (too far away will weaken the cooling effect). Long-term excessive humidity and poor air quality in the surrounding large chemical plants will accelerate the corrosion and even scrapping of the hashboard. You can reduce the amount of water in the water curtain as needed to reduce the humidity of the inlet air. It is recommended that the miner do not operate near the saline-alkali land or near the sea, which may easily lead to the oxidation and corrosion of the miner.

(1) Check whether the air inlet of the miner of the plant is blocked by garbage and paper scraps every day, and clear it in time to avoid affecting the air volume and causing high-temperature protection to zero hashrate.

(2) Before putting it on the shelf, check whether the cable (fan, power supply 6pin, hash board) is properly inserted and not loose, and the direction of the hash board power supply 6pin must not be plugged in the wrong direction. The control board cannot miss the 6Pin power cord, Will cause hashboard to burn or even scrap, and reverse plugging of the control board power cord will also cause the control board to burn. Looseness and reverse insertion may cause burn-in. The power cord and the socket should not be too loose or easy to contact. Pay attention when purchasing the socket and the power cord.

(3) When handling the miner, handle it gently. It is forbidden to carry the hash board cable or power cord directly, and it is forbidden to throw it away from a high place. Workers must inform the miners not to throw them away when they are transporting them. Otherwise, the heat sinks and chips on the internal hash board of the miners may fall, or the fans that hit the outside may be damaged or even scrapped.

(4) After the new miner is on the shelves, use the batch software APMinerTool or BTC Tools to modify the mining pool miners, set a fixed IP as required, and confirm whether the miner's hashrate is average. When a single miner is put on the shelf, it is set to IP's original shelf position.

(3) Before removing and loading the miner, you need to cut off the power before operating it, handle it gently and do not handle the cable or power cord of the portable hash board. It is forbidden to throw it away from a high place.

It takes an ever increasing amount of computing power to obtain the solution to these equations, known as a hash. Miners deploy computers, sometimes referred to as mining rigs, to solve the next hash. In exchange for their work, successful miners receive payment in the form of newly created Bitcoins.

I have setup a CPU miner on ropsten testnet but when I run eth.hashrate it always returns zero. Can anyone tell me why this is? I have searched for an answer, but cannot find a satisfactory answer. I am doing this as a self learning exercise, so would really like to get this working on geth rather than using another medium

Traditional solo mining is very much a thing of the past. Today, the vast majority of miners perform pooled mining where the ASIC machines in a mining farm perform the hashing and the pool server sends out the jobs to the machines, with the rewards split among the pool participants proportional to their compute power. The ASIC machines and pool server communicate by sending messages back and forth. These messages are defined by the Stratum V1 protocol. The four main messages of the protocol are: subscribe, authorize, notify, and submit.

While both maintaining an extra server to host a Stratum V2 proxy and/or installing the Stratum V2 compatible firmware currently has its barriers, once it is installed it is just as easy to use as the OEM firmware miners currently use for Stratum V1, and certainly easier to use than the Stratum V1 OEM firmware with a homegrown proxy solution. ff782bc1db

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