When I played on the SEA servers, it was almost impossible to win, since a lot of people there try hards and the Chinese are exceptionally proficient at this game. I hadnt had a win for a couple of days. I switched to europe and then I won 5 in a span of 4 hours. Even though the ping was less than ideal. Are there any servers or locations that you noticed are easier to play with and people are generally just trying to have fun and not take it super seriously like in Asia?

I usually play on the EU server where notice a lot of highly skilled players capable of giving me a run for my money. When I join a squad in the looking for squad section I usually end up on the US server. I realize this only after a few minutes racking up kills and thinking to myself "Wow am I invisible or something?"

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the easiest games I get are either on the Russian server or the us server, sometimes people on those servers just ignored me even though I was flying right in front of them with there team mates trying to shoot at me

To be honest, I don't believe a server is easier than another. But I notice a lot of crashes and fail takeoffs on US servers, and the best War Thunder experience for me is on EU players, because there are more clans playing, and consequentially we have a more organized team on both sides, making the game more fun to play.

but then again this has normaly always been the case in all games. However this does not mean there aren't any really good players in the US servers, just that the good to bad player ratio is much lower there than in other servers.

Given ping differs greatly from one to the other I don't know how one can make a conclusion. Playing on servers outside the US I often see planes rubber-band, and in one case I was shooting at the target (aiming circle) and apparently the lag was high enough I was actually shooting elsewhere and TK'd someone that was following target.

Depends what you mean by easy, I play "any available" so I play all on a daily basis. The only server that I have ever had trouble on is the Russian server, due to hi(gh) number of rams and TK's. But it has some of the most interesting games at the same time. I also find that every server has different difficulty levels though-out the day depending on the time in the server location and who can be expected to be the main players during that time.

I started off playing US servers (Didn't see that you can actually change the servers lol) then switched to EU now. EU DOES have more ping but I find my gameplay more pleasant there. And a lot less ramming than US server, which I enjoy. I like how players in EU server generally know to avoid headons, so it's more fun than ramming :D Also in US servers you'll kinda get a bit trolled by US planes, Russia server by USSR, and EU server is very balanced, with a lot less waiting time too :D

RU server obviously, the quality of play is so low there it's amazing. Then again the chances of getting rammed or teamkilled are the highest too. But I singledhandedly won more games on the RU Server then every other server combined which is saying something about their obvious neglection to even try to win.

Many companies struggle to maintain a meeting room portfolio that is reliable and easy to use. By introducing an IT approach to systems design and processes, Cyviz improves the user experience while reducing resources spent on management and support. When you work smart, you can do a lot more with less.

sudo apt install apache2 will install the apache2 webserver. By default it provides access to index.html in the /var/www/html folder; replacing this file with whatever you want to host is the easiest way to do things, then you can navigate to on your local machine, or to your machine's IP address on your network and it will serve the pages.

If you are a Google Chrome user, it can be as easy as using the Web Server for Chrome. Simply install it, launch it, click Choose Folder to select the directory that holds your static files.

But OpenWrt, which is open source firmware for WiFi routers, use own http server: uhttpd. It's inspired by bb-httpd and has more features like built-in Lua interpreter. And you can compile and install it on any other Linux.

A quick bit of guidance please. I used to have a Draytek router setup with there own VPN solution. Easy to setup of use.

My requirements are minimal- when I'm working abroad I want to VPN into home so I can bypass regional restrictions on TV.

So need my home Openwrt router to be a VPN server, client on Windows 10/11 laptop.

I have ddns setup so I can get the public IP address for my router.

Hi All,

Quick update - I never was able to resolve this issue. My best guess is that this is something wrong with the configuration of the SMTP server because in case the connection was being wrongly configured in the email tool, it would not work at all.

However, if you upload the workflow to Alteryx Server and run it from there, then there are no challenges. The mails get triggered every time.


Last week I needed to create a persistent Perl serviceto listening for incoming files and then process them.For the protocol I went with HTTP, because it is morethan adequate to meet my humble needs. So all I neededwas (A) an implementation of an HTTP server in Perl,and (B) a clue how to use it.

Solving the first half was pretty easy, and Iquickly fell upon the HTTP::Server::Simple.From there I realized that it would be easiest towrite my service using its CGI specific subclass HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI.

This is quite simple and concise, but then againour server isn't actually doing anything usefulyet. That's where things get a bit less obviously documented,especially if you're unfamiliar with the CGI module,which is they key that unlocks all mysteries.

I think this approach is helpful, because it makes it easier to use a simple Perl server to manageyour other processes. For example, you might write an XML parser in Java or C for speed, andthen save a posted file (like the above example) and then fork a new process to run the parsingscript.

I have a script which generates a daily report which I want to serve to the so called general public. The problem is I don't want to add to my headaches maintance of a HTTP server (e.g. Apache) with all the configurations and security implications.

The first two lines are setup for the web server. The last line creates a simple web server, opened on port 8080, which only serves files from ~/public_html. If only one file is in that directory, then only that is exposed: :8080/output.txt.

I have been looking for an easy-to-use monitoring solution for Phusion's servers. One that does not require a lot of setup and that provides a reasonable interface without too much work. Such a solution has to display a bunch of graphs at the very least. (Email) alerting is considered a bonus. The solution also has to be open source, not only because of the cost factor but because I want to own my data. So solutions like New Relic and Datadog are out.

Netdata is amazing! Compared to Prometheus+Grafana, it is incredibly easy to setup. It requires almost no configuration and gives me a working interface with lots of stats by default. Check out their demo sites.

However there is one final problem. Netdata's replication mechanism and dashboard live on the same port. That means that a Netdata slave server can access all stats stored on the Netdata master server, via the channel over which it normally sends its own stats data. In order to secure this, I submitted a pull request which implements HTTP basic authentication in the Netdata dashboard. So far the Netdata developers aren't sure whether this is the right approach; the main author suggested a VPN solution with IP blacklisting as an alternative.

You can either subscribe to all events, or have different handlers fordifferent types of events. Here I have a handler that just receives events withtype panda (like our server was sending in the previous section).

This is pretty weird, and I was really thrown off it by it at first: I opened aconnection, I closed it on the server side, and a couple of seconds later theclient made another request to my streaming endpoint!

You can also set id: and retry: fields in server-sent events. It looks likeif you set ids on the events the server sends then when reconnecting, theclient will send a Last-Event-ID header with the last ID it received. Cool!

Dear developers, I am an architect of a banking system. I am trying to use temporal in a new system and consider promoting it. In the development environment, I directly use docker-compose to deploy a single-node temporal server, and it works normal.

The current confusion is how do I deploy a distributed temporal server cluster in a production environment. If I deploy multiple docker-compose nodes like a development environment, is it feasible to implement load balancing through domain name resolution? Can multiple servers share the same database?

In its Web version, eSM is a PHP script which provides a web page containing information such as the operating system, the number of users connected to the server, the system load, CPU, memory RAM, available disk space, bandwidth usage, and especially the port monitoring services such as FTP, SMTP, Web, etc ...

The goal of eZ Server Monitor is to be very easy to install and configure (no specific packages to install) but also to be nice and easy to use! The goal is absolutely not to create heavy and complex software to use.

Start_Server.cmd (91 Bytes) you have just change your c:fxserver etc which you have to save that flolder and just click and lets go to your server any you get anny problem jsut mail me i will help you (ayushgaba2515@gmail.com) 0852c4b9a8

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