Easy Anti-Cheat counters the root cause of cheating with industry-leading prevention techniques. Our approach is constantly evolving, which results in fewer hacking attempts, no false positives, and a healthier, more enjoyable community.

Yes it has! Everything works well so far and I was able to play and also recived the DLC content and was able to play a match just fine! it seems like it was just a easy anti-cheat error and had nothing to do with vermintide, thank you for your help along the way

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A bit late, but if it ever happens again, I have a vague memory of this being caused by having two instances of EAC active at the same time. Maybe you have/had a game that kept its anticheat or EAC open at all times by accident (it either failed to close or keeps starting on its own). So ye, if it happens again, might be worth taking a peek in task manager and seeing if something like that is happening.

This has popped up in the past, but it has never been universal and I am not sure an exact root cause was found. I played a different game that uses EZ Anti-cheat multiple times this week and have not run into this, nor the last time around.

Verifying game files in Steam (multiple times)

A full re-install of the game.

Re-installing and repairing Easy Anti-Cheat

Completely disabling all firewalls and antivirus protection (I only use Windows Defender), as well as manually setting up exceptions.

Playing on both a strict NAT type and DMZ type connection.

Checking both HD and Ram for errors (and making sure the Ram sticks were both running at the same rate)

Confirming that Windows and my GPU have the latest updates installed.

Disabling the API that runs the lights on my gaming keyboard.

i couldn't get any of this to work for Elden Ring. Easy anti cheat still picks it up. "Launch Error, Cannot run under Virtual Machine". I also tried the vchat link. That completely made my VM unrun able. wouldn't even boot up.

maybe its something in my xml. Im hoping that someone knows. I paid for this game and now I cant play it. We are not cheating. I just have a powerful pc and want to use it all. who puts a 32 core processor on just on pc.

I might have found the solution...

there are several factors to fix this issue.

Solution 1

you need to gain permission on all the related app. the easiest way I found on YouTube is to do this is to download a free app called TakeOwnershipPro and gain the permission for all the file and folders of EA and Origin. Also the folder where the game is installed.

download link: -password.com/take-ownership-pro.html

(download and use at your own risk)

at this point, if you are still unable to launch the game, continue with step 2

Solution 2

I suspect the reason that EAC (easy anti cheat) is closing and prevent the game from launching, is that it detects some files as cheat files or something unacceptable by the EAC. for me it was a .dll file created by a VPN/Proxy application I used.

1. turning off game launch as administrator in game files for both 2042.exe and the anticheat.

2. Then go into the properties of 2042.exe > Digital Signatures > double clicked on the EA digital signature > View certificate > install certificate and just clicked next so it install on the default settings. do the same thing for the anticheat in the game folder.

just to give you more information, I'm using windows 11. so depending on the OS you are using, the notifications you get during this process might be in a whole different way which I'm not familiar with.

please let us know if either solutions which worked for me also works for you so others can also find a way to play the game.

The first thing I did was turning off game launch as administrator in game files for both 2042.exe and the anticheat. The game still wouldn't launch after I did that so I went into the properties of 2042.exe > Digital Signatures > double clicked on the EA digital signature > View certificate > install certificate and I just clicked next so it installed on the default settings. I did the same thing for the anticheat in the game folder. (The reason I thought of doing this was because I also play Fifa 23 on my laptop and there was a problem where the game also would not start unless the digital signature was installed.) I also did step 2 in your response. I opened both epic games launcher and the origin app, turned on airplane mode and launched the game. The anticheat launched this time and once it loaded the game launched. I simply turned off airplane mode and was able to play. I closed the game and tried launching it again to see if there would be any issues but it seems to be working fine now.

This issue happend this morning i launched and played dbd as normal and then after 1 match or so the game suddenly froze and kicked me out, then it popped up with a message saying that i had been kicked from the server due to easy anti cheat not being able to be verified.

Well, after playing a few days with easy anti cheat on, suddenly I had to go to the grocery store and when I came back and logged on again, bam! easy anti cheat can not recognize game client (aces.exe) and WT refuses to start.

Please help-

nothing with eac specifically, but i believe a competent client side anticheat like eac should be paired with a competent server side anticheat (something like fairfight, altho obviously fairfight didn't work well for apb) for maximum effectiveness

at the end of the day its a matter of money, if i continue to see little to no cheaters with just eac then i'm not going to insist little orbit takes on the additional cost of another anticheat license

in regards to cheating if apb does have a population resurgence then its likely that the number of cheaters will increase, a sizable increase in player count would likely make it profitable for public cheat companies to dust off their discontinued apb cheat offers

i believe a competent client side anticheat like eac should be paired with a competent server side anticheat (something like fairfight, altho obviously fairfight didn't work well for apb) for maximum effectiveness

Strange....Over 25 years online gaming and I have never been worried about losing my account. Probably because I don't cheat ?! And if a false-positive happened I'm confident that I will manage to clear it up.

Most of the ACs you have listed are mediocre at best, the rest are pure garbage. Even the new anti-cheat by Riot is already busted. You have like 10 people developing an anti-cheat system and thousands of others who try to find vulnerabilities. Basic arithmetics will tell you who will get on the top.

Sadly there are so many vulnerabilities in Windows and all kind of drivers you can exploit to get around the anti-cheats. People have been widely abusing lsass for EAC for awhile. I don't think it was ever fixed by Microsoft.

FairFight was the best thing ever happened to APB even if it wasn't "configured properly". You can't bypass what's on the server-side. It took out so much trash. And a lot of the people who cried out "False ban" had VAC bans too. Wow, must be very unlucky if they get false banned by every anti cheat.

What LO needs to do for UE 3.5 is to hire someone competent to implement EAC because right now is just omegalolz. And generally step up their game and be more selective who becomes SPCT(or whatever it's called) or which streamer they work with.(there are spct who cheat and streamers previous hosted on LO's channel who play with modified muzzle brake flashes. ToS? Hello?)

I am aware of the false positive factor, however just the broadcasting of the ban. Kept those players who were legit but considering purchasing cheats from taking the chance of a ban. And it kept whiners like me from whining about it.

You should measure an anti-cheat's success by how many people you see cheating, not by how many people it was telling you were banned by it. FairFight did root out a good few people, and I note that some of them are back due to LO's general amnesty but mysteriously aren't as good as they used to be. But do you wanna tell me that more people cheat now than under FairFight? I don't think so.

Not to mention the period between PunkBuster being turned off for false positives and LO coming in and implementing BattlEye badly showed up FF's lack of client-side detection when blatants running free cheats could run around for days before FF's metrics would cop-on and drop the ban. Now of course, we know from Matt that FF's metrics weren't really tuned for APB at all by G1. Maybe it could work if it was tuned correctly, but things are, imo better now than when we had FF. 2351a5e196

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