TTRPG Group in East York

Meeting and Schedule

We're going to try roleplaying online to start. I don't know what we're using for a Virtual Tabletop at the moment, if any. I'm looking into everything from Astral to Google Slides, but no matter what, we'll likely do our voice chat in Discord. The goal is to meet IRL as soon as this madness is over.

I think we're going to do 5th Edition D&D, because all the rules are free. The important thing is that this is a "family friendly" game. My kids will be there, at least, and I think there may be some others.

Can I join??

If you're interested in getting involved, use the contact link just below the banner to reach out. Be sure and use the subject, "East York Rollers" so I can separate you from the spam. I'll contact you and see if you're a fit.

I have 2 pretty full groups right now, but we can always get another group going. I could really use another DM!