Easter Choir 2019

St. Mark's Lutheran by the Narrows

Hello all!

This year, we are again putting together an all-call mass choir for Easter Sunday (April 21st). Brand new this year, we are singing one of my very favorite songs for choir - an incredibly fun and vibrant modern gospel classic called "Praise His Holy Name" To get this rolling, we've set up this webpage as a resource for people to get all the information they need and even practice at home. Firstly, lets look at the information.

There will be four rehearsals, not including Easter Sunday itself. If you have never sung the piece before, I recommend coming to all of them. If you have, come to as many as you can, but please everyone come to the final rehearsal where we will work out logistics and give all of the information for the way Easter Morning will work in worship.

Rehearsal #1: Saturday, March 23 (10:00am)

Rehearsal #2: Saturday, March 30 (10:00am)

Rehearsal #3: Thursday, April 11 (7:00pm)

Rehearsal #4: Saturday, April 20 (10:00am)

EASTER SUNDAY: April 21st (rehearsal time: 7:15am)

Next, for materials, all you will need is:

A black 3-ring binder (5 bucks or less most places)

YouTube is our best friend! Firstly, here are some YouTube videos that you can practice with at home (choose your voice part):

And then, here is the whole thing put together and sung wonderfully by a super fun choir.

Thanks, everyone! It is going to be a lot of fun again this year!

