United Earth Defense ForceHeadquarters:EarthFounder:United EarthMembers:United Earth Defense Force personnelStatus:Active (3190)The United Earth Defense Force was the military force maintained by United Earth in the late 32nd century, following Earth's withdrawal from the United Federation of Planets a century prior.

By the following century, the United Earth Defense Force (UEDF) had replaced Starfleet as Earth's main defense role. Through 3189, the UEDF had been in conflict with Wen and his raiders, a conflict which came to an end because of the intervention of the USS Discovery. (DIS: "People of Earth")

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The Earth Defense Force, abbreviated as EDF, is a large military organization and the main military force that fought against Mental's armies during the Mental War when they attacked Earth.

The Earth Defense Force is a planetary-scale military force that was formed from the remnants of Earth's military forces. Most of the weapons and vehicles that are used by the EDF were originally used by the U.S. Army, which suggests the EDF formed or was partially derived from this army branch.

The EDF are tasked of defending Earth and extraterrestrial colonies from alien attacks, such as Mental's Horde. The Earth Defense Force army is massive, and included almost all of the forces on Earth and consisted of several thousand soldiers during the Tunguska Offensive.[1]

When Mental had discovered humanity and the threat they could pose to his genocidal campaigns, he began sending wave after wave of his forces against the humans, and first started attacking the colonies in other star systems. Eventually, the colonies were wiped out and annihialted, and any survivors were forced to flee back to Earth, which served as the Earth Defense Force's last stronghold.

Soon after, Mental tracked down the humans and came across Earth. As this planet harboured intelligent life, he began sending in a massive invasion force to attack. This initiated the Tunguska Offensive after a massive portal opened up in the Tunguska Plateau in Russia. After the portal became established, the enemy started to gradually take control of the continent and began spreading west towards Europe. Eventually, with the destruction of two small enemy portals thanks to the EDF's efforts, Mental's forces were eventually pushed back towards Tunguska. A massive battle took place which saw the destruction of the portal and the death of one of Mental's servants, Ugh-Zan VI.

However, while the Tunguska Offensive was a victory for the EDF, this was rather short-lived, as Mental took another approach and decided to attack the humans directly by sending in a large fleet of Alcor Class Warships approximately one year later.[2] The warships dealt severe infrastructal damage to Earth's cities, with settlements like Cairo being hit hard. The Earth Defense Force was eventually overwhelmed and had already used up most of their resources and supplies to repel Mental's forces.

Being a large military force, the Earth Defense Force has many bases or forward operating bases all around the world. Some of the more larger bases served as a temporary HQ. It is known they had two known headquarters; one was located in Italy and another one somewhere in Egypt. Some of their outposts were set up for relief efforts and to aid people in evacuating and establishing supply routes towards areas where they were needed.

The EDF have access to a wide variety of advanced technology. They have managed to exploit some of the technology salvaged from Mental's forces, such as the techno-magical ammunition replenisher. High-ranking personnel use a radio or earpiece to communicate with one another and when they require assistance with something. The EDF also make use of alien technology or artifacts to assist their soldiers and to benefit mankind.

The EDF utilizes all kinds of weapons, some of which are technologically advanced, though they were still in experimental phase and had only recently bee used out on the field. They also have the technology to reverse-engineer weapons used by Mental's forces, such as the pulse laser weapons used by Minor Bio-mechanoids or weapons in Mental's artillery.

The EDF exists as the occupying force of Mars, establishing a puppet state known as the Martian State under the Martian Council, with its capital in Eos, in the 50 years between the two Red Faction uprisings. Originally arriving at the end of the First Martian Revolution; When Earth begins to run out of its own natural resources, the EDF begins to morph into what the Ultor Corporation had been - a corrupt oppressive overlord. Martial law is enforced, rights revoked and the population subdued forcibly.

The Red Faction movement was resurrected in order to fight the EDF, and manages to liberate the sectors of Tharsis one by one. EDF forces then managed to cripple the organization by raiding their safehouse in the Badlands, but the remaining members form a shaky alliance with the Marauders in order to execute their plan and destroy the lingering threat of the E.D.S. Hydra, thus thwarting the Earth Defence Force's last card to keep control on Mars.

The Earth Defence Force was formed as a global police force sometime after space travel became advanced enough to colonize Mars, and it was beholden to the Earth Defence Council rather than any specific government. It's unknown why it was formed but it was during a time of economic uncertainty, rebellions and revolutions.

During the First Red Faction Uprising, the Earth Defence Force came to Mars to liberate the miners from the oppression of the Ultor Corporation, and crush any remaining Mercenary forces. Seen as liberators and protectors, the EDF established bases, checkpoints, and a military presence in order to maintain security in the region. Eventually the EDF began terraforming Mars, and soon the planet developed a breathable atmosphere.

The surviving Red Faction members create a shaky truce with the Marauders, routed the forces under the command of General Roth and destroying EDF Central Command. Together they use the Nano Forge, a piece of old Ultor tech which the EDF had attempted to capture but slipped through their fingers and into those of the Red Faction, to destroy the Hydra and its captain, Admiral Lucius Kobel. Although the Marauder leader Vasha died in the battle, it couldn't change the fact that EDF lost their last foreseeable chance at preserving their control on Mars.

When Earth of the 32nd century decided to part ways with the Federation in the wake of The Burn, they left behind much of Starfleet's tradition of building exploration and science vessels, and focused instead on large, sturdy vessels built for planetary defense. The UEDF Vessel is the epitome of this philosophy, featuring a heavy focus on shield resilience and durability, while sacrificing little in the way of defensive armaments, but with very little focus on auxiliary systems. However, being the only ship class in the UEDF fleet, it is also versatile enough to serve passably at many purposes, even if the people of Earth are loath to make use of these starships for missions beyond patrolling and protecting their precious blue pearl.

The shielding technology of the UEDF is second-to-none, and this console makes great use to establish itself as a worthy inheritor of that reputation. With this technology equipped, your ship will be capable of generating a large area of protection for you and your allies, centered a short distance behind your vessel. This area will move with your ship, though the field itself will inhibit your ship's capability to maneuver at full effectiveness. It may be deactivated prematurely, should maneuverability prove to be more important in the moment, than defense.

The Earth Defence force infantry is broken into three specialty groups. The Reconnaissance Scout Squadron who are made up of lightly armed troops that possess superior mobility and utilise stealth and confusion techniques to complete their ops.

During the Ravagers' 2017 invasion, the EDF's ground forces consisted entirely of standard infantry, which were split into the lightly armed stealth-oriented Scout Squadron and the heavily armed combat-ready Ranger Squadron. An elite soldier with the callsign Storm 1 was placed in charge of the Storm Squadron, which supported both Scout and Ranger teams with its specialized skillset. All-female units of soldiers equipped with flight capabilities known as Pale Wings were also part of the EDF's forces.

When the Ravagers returned in 2025, the EDF had expanded its forces drastically. Standard infantry were now known as Rangers, while the Pale Wings' flight technology was replaced by technology salvaged from the Ravagers to create a new flying soldier class known as Wing Divers. A new tactical type of soldier known as the Air Raider was introduced, and had the ability to summon battle vehicles or call for air support from the EDF's air force. Lastly, the EDF introduced a class of soldier known as the Fencer, a heavily-armed soldier equipped with a power frame which makes him akin to a living tank. Storm 1 was now placed in charge of the elite Storm Team, consisting of soldiers from all four classes.

The Earth Defense Force (EDF) is the military arm that enforces the Earth Government Colonial Alliance's orders and is responsible for protecting Earth and the various interstellar colonies.[1]

In concurrence with the crisis faced by EarthGov after Titan Station's destruction,[5][note 1] the EDF appeared to have suffered great losses in the fight against radical Unitologist members and factions like the Circle. Captain Robert Norton and Sergeant John Carver purported to be members of the defense force's last battalion when they secured Isaac Clarke on Luna's New Horizons Colony.[6]

The EDF Naval Branch (ship prefix "USM", likely "United Systems Military") fulfills numerous responsibilities, from transport and supply to anti-piracy patrol operations and quarantine enforcement. The destroyers USM Valor and USM Abraxis contained a potent arsenal with powerful cannons and missiles, suggesting preparations for intense ship-to-ship combat as well. 006ab0faaa

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