Nobody appreciates when someone relentlessly self-promotes on social media. However, when you do it tastefully and respectfully, advertising your content on social media can earn you some interesting media coverage.

A great example of content that meets two goals (earning backlinks and building authority) is Birth Control Around the World, a project we produced on behalf of Superdrug Online Doctor, an online pharmacy in the U.K.

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Promotion can be one of the most challenging parts of this process. After sending a hundred pitches and receiving no replies, you might want to throw in the towel on earned media. But, before you do, consider that you might be going about pitching the wrong way.

Earned Media

IMO, this is where the action is. This is where you have done something so cool or interesting that people want to use their own media to tell others about it, and hence you earn media. I am currently reading this brilliant analysis of why things spread from the guys at MIT. They claim that content is shared (and therefore Media is Earned) because of three main factors relating to the dynamics of groups.

The diagram above implies that the activities are distinct, with some overlap. Actually I would say now that by doing own and bought media activities well (plus, having a good product of course!) a company earns media. Especially if it exceeds expectations.

The media coverage that counts as earned media is when you are mentioned or written about without paying anyone to do so. For example, your product is listed on a gift guide or your company did something newsworthy and it was covered on a TV segment.

Now that you know some of the different types of earned media, here are some tips to increase your chances of obtaining earned media. Many of these tips cross platforms and channels, which means you can target boosting different types of earned media from just one of these tactics.

Part of content marketing success is having content worth engaging with and sharing. If it strikes the right chord with the audience, they feel compelled to share it. Retweets and reshares count as earned media as well as accounts sharing content on their own.

You might be wondering how to know if an earned media strategy is even working. Your tracking method will vary depending on the direction of your strategy. On social media, you can track earned media data by keeping an eye on your brand mentions and keywords.

{"@context":" ","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Earned Media?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Earned media is publicity or exposure gained from methods other than paid advertising."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Owned Media?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Owned media is any web property that you can control and is unique to your brand."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Paid Media?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Simply put, paid media is marketing you pay for. Holistically, it is used to promote content in order to drive earned media, as well as direct traffic to owned media properties"}}]}

Rankings on the first page of the search engines place your owned media sites and content links in a position to receive higher engagement and shares, which is why a good SEO strategy is crucial. When it comes to brand content, interesting, informative content can come in all shapes and sizes. PR and guest posts are common examples of earned media. Whether it be a blog, infographic, video, press release, webinar, or e-book, the bottom line is that the content has to be worthwhile in order to receive the value of earned media; which is why a great content strategy is also important.

One of the most common examples of owned media is a website, although blog sites and social media channels are other examples of owned media properties too. Channels like social media and blogs are extensions of your website, and all three are extensions of your brand as a whole. Simply put, owned media encompasses various types of media that you (your company) have control over. The more owned media you have, the more chances you have to extend your brand presence in the digital sphere. (Check out our post on SEO for blogs to earn better rankings!)

Investment in media is frequently grouped into the 3 media 'buckets' of earned, shared and paid which each give opportunities to influence customers. None of these media types are new, but what is new is the increasing prominence given to owned and earned media while paid media has always dominated in the past.

In some sectors, there may be a tendency to focus more on the typically higher-cost paid media or lower-cost earned and owned media, but we recommend a balanced approach will often work best for "always-on" media activities, while for campaign objectives you may choose to 'dial up' a particular media/channel depending on your objectives.Core ModuleSelect media investments

As of April 2023, 60% of the world's population uses social media. It's fair to say that paid, earned, and owned media offer marketers a never-ending array of new opportunities to win and retain more customers.

In conclusion, while none of these media types are new, digital marketers are certainly warming up to the opportunities available for owned and earned media types alongside paid media. You can use the diagrams/matrix to plan your media activity and dial-up your media mix according to your marketing plan.

Paid media is content you pay to place in front of an audience as an ad or sponsorship, while owned and earned are free. Owned media is content you create and control, like your Facebook page or your website, while earned media is content others create about you, like reviews or Instagram posts.

Mickie, this has been great, and very insightful, and definitely given us all ideas on how we want to move forward and get some more earned press. If people want to learn more about you, your company, how you might be able to help them, where can we send them online?

According to the BMV Digital Brand Index US consumers say earned media is most often how they discover products online. In the same survey earned media also came out on top as the biggest driver of action.

This highlights just how influential earned media is. And this is further backed by academic research. According to a study published in the Journal of Promotion Management a majority of consumers believe that earned media is the most credible source of information.

Earned media is also highly cost-effective. That's because most of it is free. While your brand may invest in the likes of PR and the creation of shareable content most earned media happens organically.

In 2020 the Influencer Marketing Hub analysed 2000 online campaigns and found that for every dollar invested in earned media strategies marketers generated $5.78 for their companies. This increased from $5.20 the previous year. (Unfortunately its most recent report doesn't feature this figure.)

Most forms of earned media will promote your brand for a long time. The likes of articles podcasts reviews and other content remain online indefinitely and are often discoverable through search engines.

Review sites like Yelp and Google My Business generate earned media organically. As do Amazon eBay and many other online marketplaces. Positive reviews on these sites are among the most valuable earned media.

These snippets come in the form of paragraphs tables lists and videos and just like other earned media they can expand your reach drive traffic and improve your brand's credibility. Voice assistants often read out these snippets too.

Although brands often pay for these mentions they can also happen organically. Companies can encourage influencer-generated earned media by sending them free products providing exclusive behind-the-scenes access or inviting them to events.

Earned media can include press coverage, social media mentions, shares and retweets, product or company reviews, and blog posts authored outside your company. Increasing the visibility and reach of your content through social media engagement will increase your earned media.

This is easier in some cases than others. You can create goals in Google Analytics to understand the channels that are contributing to downloads, sign-ups, demo requests and so on. While you can track traffic that comes from social media, separating owned from earned can be tricky. Nonetheless, by studying the owned vs earned mix, you can improve your content to increase your effectiveness.

The best place to start in order to gain an overview is by measuring share of voice. This will give you an understanding of your earned mentions, while placing it in context within the industry and allow you to benchmark your progress against the competition.

PR practitioners are primarily concerned with earned media, and social analytics simplifies the process of finding and categorizing press mentions. Brandwatch assists PR strategy by automatically categorizing mentions into page types, making it easy to dive into news mentions and categorize them by quality of mention.

Also worth assessing are your Top Stories and your Top Hashtags. By comparing your owned vs. earned hashtags, you can quickly understand how well your official hashtags are adopted, which other hashtags are used alongside them, and which phrases your audience are most likely to tweet.

For marketers, having visibility of your earned media demonstrates the fruits of your labor and reinforces the importance of listening to your customers. We have our Brandwatch Vizia software displaying our earned media in the Brandwatch reception, meaning everyone in the company can see it on a daily basis.

Monitoring paid, owned and earned media will give you an understanding of how buzz around your brand is created and where you can influence it. Using a social analytics tool can help uncover more detailed insights within each channel. That knowledge can then be fed back into your operations to improve your messaging, and amplify your content further than before. ff782bc1db

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