Application Assistance

Information for Volunteers

Last Updated: July 2020

Thank you very much for volunteering for the EAPS Application Assistance Program! On this page, you can find some resources and information about the program.

I'm in the Joint Program! Is there a way for me to mentor applicants to the Joint Program specifically?

Both applicants and volunteers will be asked to indicate their interest in the joint program, and we'll do our best to match you with applicants who are interested in oceanography. Additionally, you can consider volunteering with the Joint Program Applicant Support & Knowledge Base (JP ASK) if you feel more comfortable answering questions about WHOI than about MIT. (Click here to sign up for JP ASK.)

What are the expectations for this program?

Refer to the Information Sheet! This includes information about (1) the scope of mentoring, (2) the expectations for each mentor, (3) logistics and deadlines, and (4) the confidentiality policy.

What should I look for when providing feedback on personal statements?

Refer to our Guidelines for Providing Feedback on Personal Statements! This document is based on a conversation with Bob Irwin at the MIT Writing and Communication Center.

I told all my friends about this program and one of them wants to volunteer! How can they do that?

The form to sign up to volunteer is here. We're happy to take more volunteers, but after the form closes on July 1st 2020, please direct them to email us at

How can I spread the word or publicize this program on social media?

Here's the link to the page which you should send to applicants!

What are some tips for being a good mentor?

You can look at these slides (especially the end of the presentation, which contains resources for further reading about mentoring) made by Mara Freilich and Rohini Shivamoggi.

Oh no! I still have questions!

Email! Also, join the Application Assistance channel on the EAPS slack, and feel free to post questions or comments (but be sure to remove any identifying information about your mentee!).

Privacy and Confidentiality:

By sharing their application with you, applicants are entrusting you with their confidential information. Please be sure to not share this information with others unless there is a concern for the mentee’s safety. Current students who volunteer as mentors may not discuss a mentee's application materials with department faculty or staff until admissions decisions have been made. For further questions, please contact us at