Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Members present: Megan Delfosse, Stacie Jacquet, Tina Nellis, Robin Plzak, Erin Hoffman, Jenny Jandrin, Tracie Cochart, Michelle Schinktgen and Holly Malvitz
1. Meeting called to order by Tracie at 6:16 pm.
2. Motion to Approve the February Meeting Minutes by Michelle, seconded by Megan. All in favor, motion carried.
3. Athletic Director Updates- Nothing to report.
4. Website-Up and running and looks great. Thanks, Erin!
5. Concessions- Need to order stock for baseball/softball stands. Hope to sell the leftover chili during the season, possibly a weekend DH. Whoever orders the cheese machine, needs to make sure it’s the same one we currently have.
6. Grant Requests- None.
7. Other- Tina will work on getting the paperwork ready for taxes. Concession clean-up day will be April 3, 2024 at 5:30pm. Holly will look into pricing for football scoreboard. Discussion about looking into our by-laws re: 2 signatures on checks and what we would want done with the money should we dissolve. Holly indicated we have about 45 entries for the craft show so far and gave the first batch of checks/cash to Jenny to deposit. Robin will be using the white tables on June 1st. r
8. Next Meeting Date – April 10, 2024.
9. Treasurer’s Report- Read by Jenny.
10. Adjourn –Motion to adjourn at 7:15 pm made by Holly, and seconded by Robin. All in favor, motion carried.
Recorded by Holly Malvitz