Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Members present: Tonya DeBroux, Robin Plzak, Tracie Cochart, Jenny Jandrin, Tina Nellis, Ari Counard, Erin Hoffman, and Holly Malvitz
1. Meeting called to order by Tracie Cochart at 6:26 pm.
2. Motion to Approve the November Meeting Minutes by Jenny Jandrin, seconded by Tonya DeBroux. All in favor, motion carried.
3. Athletic Director Updates- 1st ever Girl’s Wrestling Meet happening at SD. Metal bars going up for the athletic complex.
4. Grant Request Form- Tracie updated the form and Holly emailed out to all of the coaches.
5. Website-Erin created a new website for the EABC. She will add information about officers, craft show, grand request form, etc. and get the link added to the school website.
6. Concessions- Need to either fix or replace the nacho cheese machine as we are losing too much cheese. A few parents complained about the concession stand being locked. Discussion about putting a note on the door that if the door is locked, find an event manager or custodian to open. Diet Pepsi is expired.
7. Other-
· Josh Lardinois would like to show people how to run the scoreboard. Hoping to get a group, not just one person to come in on a Saturday and learn. Discussion about Josh not being compensated enough from school for all he does to prepare for events and how the EABC would like to compensate Josh for his services.
· Clothing order will be delivered in the next two weeks.
· Algoma Candle Company Fundraiser- Tina will pass along the information to Carol Tadych to see if MS Volleyball would be interested.
8. Next Meeting Date – January 10, 2024.
9. Treasurer’s Report- Read by Jenny Jandrin.
10. Adjourn –Motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm made by Ari Counard and seconded by Jenny Jandrin. All in favor, motion carried.
Recorded by Holly Malvitz