Experimental Aerodynamics Group
Welcome to the page of the Experimental Aerodynamic Group in the Aerospace Engineering Department of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. The principal investigator is Dr. Tufan Kumar Guha, an assistant professor in the department. We are interested in experimentally investigating applied problems like control of flow separation over wing sections in both forward and reverse flow, control of wingtip vortices, drag reduction in automobiles, and vortex dynamics over slender bodies and delta wings. We are also working on fundamental problems like Taylor-Couette flows for modified cylinders. The goal is to understand the underlying fluid dynamics followed by an attempt to control the flow using devices like microjets, synthetic jets, and actively deformable surfaces. The studies involve qualitative measurement techniques like oil flow, smoke, and tuft visualization, and quantitative techniques like pressure, force, and torque measurements, and particle image velocimetry. One of the aims of the group's work is to reduce energy consumption through efficient aerodynamics, thus contributing towards sustainability.
Gallery of Experimental ResultsÂ