Ethan's Bar Mitzvah Project

Supplying Immigrant Children in Need

The Mission of the Project

On November 13, 2021, I will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. My Bar Mitzvah Project is to provide 50 backpacks filled with school and hygiene items to the new immigrant children in the Atlanta area. This will help them get settled and start school.

Like a native from among you shall the stranger who sojourns with you, be for you, and you shall show love to them as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.- Leviticus 19:34

Back in fourth grade, I learned about refugees. I had to create an invention that improved their lives. This sparked my interest. In 5th grade, I learned about an immigrant community in the Atlanta area. I read Outcast United about a soccer team made up of immigrants in Clarkson, GA. As my bar mitzvah approached, I began researching ideas for my project. Around the same time, I learned about my synagogue's AARI committee (Ahavath Achim Refugee Initiative) and asked to join them in their partnership with New American Pathways. There have not been many immigrants resettled here in Atlanta over the past few years, but that is expected to change in the coming months. I can only imagine how scary it must be to start over in a new country, and I'd like to do something to make this easier for them. I appreciate your support. Thanks!


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