Erik Orvehed Hiltunen

I am a Gibbs Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics at Yale University. 

My research aims at developing the mathematical understanding of wave propagation in materials governed by local or non-local PDEs.  The goal is to be able to manipulate and guide waves, using very small devices which are robust to imperfections of their design. My mathematical study of these systems lies in the intersection of PDE theory, harmonic analysis and solid-state physics.

I finished my doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Habib Ammari, ETH Zürich, in May 2021.

My research activity is detailed more below, and my Curriculum Vitae can be found [here] (updated 28 February 2022).

Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, Yale University

Address: 51 Prospect Street, AKW 103,  New Haven CT 06511, USA

Email: erik.hiltunen (at)

Localized and guided waves in subwavelength metamaterials with a point defect (left) and line defect (right).


My research focuses mainly on Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Wave Propagation, Metamaterials and Topological Insulators.

Peer-reviewed papers


Review articles

Selected conference presentations and seminar talks

Awards, grants and scholarships


Summer schools