From the third to the twentieth century, the notariat has stood the test of time and currently exists in nearly 91 countries located in America, Europe and Asia. Since it's beginnings the profession has continued to evolve.

In the 3rd century AD, under the late Roman Empire, officers whose roles were similar to that of modern French notaires were already authenticating contracts on behalf of the State. There were record keeping systems. The colonizers introduced the concept into Gaul and "Gallo-Romans notaries" started drawing up documents, particularly land censuses designed to establish the basis for property tax .

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The profession disappeared after Rome fell to the barbarians, but reappeared in the 9th century by virtue of a capitulary issued by Charlemagne. It presented only weak overlaps with the contemporary notary, despite an identity of denomination.

In 1270, shortly before setting off on his last crusade, King Louis IX, commonly known as Saint Louis, and King Philippe le Bel, in 1302, played an important part in developing the role of the French notary.

The French Revolution did not challenge the notarial institution, but, on the contrary, confirmed with the law dated 1791. Rooted in the public conscience, the notary is recognized as being part of the social organization of modern France.

During the final phase of the Consulate, life-consul Napoleon Bonaparte, under an Act dated 25 Ventse year XI by the revolutionary calendar , gave French notarys a status the main features of which have remained unchanged.

The profession of Notaire considerably developed since this period, made particularly vital by the need to rebuild France after World War II. The Notariat has made a major contribution to this rebuilding in the legal and tax fields.

At the same time as these developments, town-planning regulations underwent dozens of one-off changes and two new areas of law emerged: that of protection of consumer rights and that of environmental protection.

In short, the law has seen more changes in the last half-century or less than it underwent in the previous one hundred and fifty years. However, by investing significant technical and financial resources, the Notariat has managed to cope with and adapt to all these changes.

The Macron Law dated August 2015 has profoundly changed the profession, and in particular the mode of accession is based on an set-up card proposed by the Competition Authority and validated by the Ministry of Justice and the Minister of Economy. A drawing of lots can also be practiced. The pricing of acts has also been revised. Overall, with this reform, the number of offices and notaries has grown very strongly in a few years, with the French notarial profession now being the densest in Europe.

The Superior Council of Notaries is the professional organization of the notary, which is authorized to speak on behalf of the notaries of France. The CSN is a public utility establishment defined by the Ordinance and the Decree of 1945.

Behind each notary, lies the notariat, through its identity, its infrastructures, its development.The Superior Council of Notaries leans on the quality of its links with the territorial bodies that structure the profession. It accompanies them constantly through the missions.

The CSN is the keystone of the notarial institution.It is at the disposal of elected representatives of the notariat, authorities, notaries and employees, and at the service of the public.The CSN is driving the transformation of the notariat.It ensures, over the long term, its cohesion, development and influence.

The only body of the profession authorized to speak on behalf of all notaries in France, the Superior Council of Notaries is a public utility establishment. It leans on defined principles and mechanics by the Ordinance dated 2nd November 1945 and the decree dated 19 December 1945.

In its relations with the public authorities, the Superior Council of Notaries, contributes to the concept on the evolution of the law, gives its opinion on the draft legislations or the ongoing regulatory texts.

After the great success of the 11th edition of the World Notariat University which took place in Rome last July, the UINL is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 12th edition of the UNM, which will take place next July in PARIS!

Before the Olympic Games, Paris will welcome young notaries from the 91 member notariats for the first time since the University was founded by French notary and UINL Honorary President Jean-Paul Decorps.

The World Notariat University "Jean-Paul DECORPS" is an academic training proposed by the UINL in Spanish, French and English. It intends to enable the understanding and application of the concepts of comparative law and international law through exchanges of good notarial practices.

The Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) is a nonprofit organisation of notaries from 22 European countries. The CNUE is the official body representing the notariat in dealings with the institutions of the European Union. Speaking for the profession, it expresses the joint decisions of its members to the European Union.[1]

The Conference of the Presidents of the Notariats of the six founding countries of the European Economic Community (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands) was founded in Paris in 1976, with its memorandum of understanding signed under the auspices of and within the framework of the International Union of Notaries.[2]

In 1989, the Conference of the Presidents became the Permanent Conference of the Notariats of the European Community, thereby affirming its nature as a supranational association of notaries. In 1995, it became the Conference of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE), and then adopted its current name of Council of the Notariats of the European Union on January 1, 2006. In 1996 the CNUE introduced a one-year presidency system, following the model of other European institutions.

Since 1992, the CNUE has been constantly evolving, in terms of both its internal structure and its functions. Over the years the CNUE has become progressively larger, first with the addition of Spain, Portugal, and Austria. Nine additional notariats became members in 2004 in parallel with the enlargement of the EU, enabling the organisation to make a significant leap from 10 to 19 members. Bulgaria and Romania joined in 2007, bringing the number of member notariats to 21 of the 27 EU Member States. On July 1, 2013, the Croatian notariat also joined the CNUE.

The European notariats are represented in the CNUE by the presidents of the national notarial bodies. The CNUE is supervised by a President, the CNUE's spokesperson, who has tenure for one year, renewable for one year.

The CNUE's mission is to promote the notariat as a cornerstone of preventive justice. It contributes actively to any decision-making processes of the European institutions. This involves areas including the legal aspects of citizenship and running a business, access to justice and consumer protection.[5]

Furthermore, the CNUE keeps its members updated on developments in European legislation and any initiatives taken by the EU institutions. It also assists in the continuous training of notaries in European Union law.

The CNUE does not, however, limit itself only to following EU work; it also makes proposals. It implements projects with a European dimension involving all its members, with the aim of constructing the area of justice, freedom and security expected by European citizens.

The Journal Revue du notariat, the oldest remaining legal journal in Canada, has been published since 1898, and comes out three times a year. It disseminates scholarly writings on legal theory, civil law and notarial practice, as well as commentaries on case law. Written by notaries, lawyers and researchers, the journal is peer-reviewed, and strikes a fair balance between theoretical and practical law.

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The selected texts are submitted for linguistic revision. Spelling errors are automatically corrected, and syntax or style corrections are conveyed to the author who can accept or reject them. In the latter case, management may decide to not accept the text in question.

The Revue only accepts previously unpublished texts that do not overlap other publications of the Chambre des notaires, except for rare cases. The author may not, without the consent of the Chambre des notaires, request another publication for six months following the publication of that issue of the journal.

The UINL works to support actions of social Interest and address the issue of land tenure rights. The notariat proposes the simplified secure title (SST). It is a tool which ensures access to land and lodging, consisting in an official document which any citizen may obtain cheaply and quickly. The National Union of Notaries is also taking action to prevent the lack of civil status of children, especially in rural areas, from depriving them of their basic rights and confining them to the informal sector. The goal is to help families prepare civil status papers and follow procedures to obtain birth acts within the framework of hearings. UINL aims to foster the circulation of notarised acts; it is working to allow for the recognition of notarised acts beyond the borders of the State. The Union is seeking to put in place a simpler, safer and cheaper system for their circulation in the form of a notorial apostille. It is also developing a world network of notaries to facilitate contacts among notaries from different member notariats of the Union, to allow the recipients of notarial services to have contacts and receive legal advice through notaries free of charge. Finally, it aims to foster the vocational training through the use of notarial academies and partner organisations.


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