2020 Express Conference on the Physics of Materials and its application in Energy and Environment

from August 17 to 19, 2020

A free on-line event

Here is the link to the Zoom, connection (the password will be shared to the registered participants):


Also, the conference can be followed by Facebook-live:


Thanks to the sporsonship from IOP Publishing and the International Journal of Nanomedicine, awards for the best posters may be available.

A three-day summit of talks, discussion, and poster sessions, all on-line.

We already know that the Covid-19 pandemic is significantly reducing the scientific activities around the world, causing less interaction between the researchers, especially in Latin America. We organize this conference as an effort to encourage the discussion and collaboration among the members of the scientific community in Latin America and renowned scientists from all over the world.

Selected papers accepted in this conference will be published in Materials Letters (Elsevier), visit the call at:


Colleagues from all the countries are encouraged to submit their work related to the following topics:

  • Nanomaterials for energy applications such as: solar cells, supercapacitors, batteries, OLEDs, hydrogen production etc.

  • Nanomaterials for photocatalytic degradation/removal of contaminants such dyes, pharmaceutical products, and heavy metals.

  • Physics of thin films

  • DFT calculations for gas sensors, photocatalysis, etc.

Conference Chairmen

Organizing committee

  • Marcos Flores (UChile), Chile
  • Jorge Oliva (IPICyT), Mexico
  • Fernando Guzman (UCN), Chile
  • Carlos Rodriguez (UAdeC), Mexico
  • Mario Grágeda (UA), Chile
  • Jorge Otálora (UCN), Chile

Scientific committee

  • Carlos García (USM), Chile
  • Svetlana Ushak (UA), Chile
  • Andrés Oliva Avilés (UMayab), Mexico
  • Iván Oliva Arias (Cinvestav - Mérida), Mexico
  • Rita Muñoz Arroyo (Comimsa), Mexico
  • Nicolaza Pariona Mendoza (INECOL), Mexico
  • Claudia López Badillo (UAdeC), Mexico
  • Ramón Carrillo Bastos (UABC), Mexico
  • Héctor Hernández García (Comimsa), Mexico
  • Marcelo Apel (UCN), Chile
  • Donovan Diaz (PUC), Chile
  • Victor Manuel Fuenzalida (UChile), Chile
  • Rodrigo Espinoza (UChile), Chile
  • Claudia Carrasco (UdeC) Chile
  • Patricio Silva (UA), Chile

It is our pleasure to announce that the e-CPM2020 is sponsored by the following companies, please visit their virtual stands, web-pages, and contact them.

Hiden Analytical design, develop and manufacture quadrupole mass spectrometers for advanced research applications and specialist process monitoring. Our specialist application areas include Catalysis, Differential Electrochemical MS (DEMS), Real time Gas Analysis and UHV Surface Analysis.

Our product range includes:

  • Systems for precision gas analysis for real time, multiple gas/vapour analysis with dynamic range from PPB to 100%.

  • Plasma diagnostics by direct measurement of plasma ions and ion energies.

  • SIMS probes for UHV surface science, and etch end point detection.

  • Integrated complete surface analysis SIMS systems with automated analysis.

The goal of this event is to bring new ideas on the physics of materials and their applications in energy

The talks will be on Zoom, the password will be shared to the registered participants. The link to the conecction is here: https://uchile.zoom.us/j/89683984941

The poster session will be posted at this site. Please, visit our blog to write questions and comments for each poster.

The Plenary Speakers

Plenary Speaker

Ma Rujun

Nankai University in Tianjin, China.

TALK: "Applications of Wearable Electronics and Solid-state Cooling based on Functional Polymers"

Plenary Speaker

Luis De Los Santos Valladares

University of Cambridge, UK

TALK: "Surface diffusion, crystallisation and oxidation of thermally treated thin films"

Plenary Speaker

Toney Teddy Fernandez

Macquarie University, Australia

TALK: "Searching new parameter spaces for optimizing ultrafast laser induced waveguide devices"

Plenary Speaker

Anvar Zakhidov

University of Texas at Dallas, USA

TALK: "Bright single layer perovskite Light Emitting electrochemical cells"

Plenary Speaker

Clivia Sotomayor

Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

TALK: "Thermal transport in the nanoscale: a study of Si and MoS2 nanostructure"

Plenary Speaker

Mariana Medina

Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW), Germany

TALK: "Micro- and Nanotechnologies for on- and off-chip biomedical applications"

Plenary Speaker

Dora Altbir Drullinsky

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

TALK: "Domain wall propagation in curved nanowires "

Plenary Speaker

Tom Webster

Northeastern University, Boston, MA

TALK: "Nanomedicine and COVID-19: Already Improving Prevention, Detection, and Treatment"

Plenary Speaker

Kornelius Nielsch

Leibniz Institute of Solid State and Materials Research, IFW-Dresden

TALK: "From Fundamental Transport in Quantum Materials towards Microstructured Peltier Coolers "

The Invited Speakers

Invited Speaker

Tomás Corrales

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

TALK: "Interaction of liquids with nanostructures"

Invited Speaker

Pierre Anthony Pantaleón

Imdea Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain

TALK: "Correlated effects in Graphene superlatices"

Invited Speaker

Oleg Tretiakov

University of New South Wales, Australia

TALK: "Topological Spintronics with Magnetic Solitons"

Invited Speaker

Luis Armando Diaz-Torres

Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, A.C., Mexico

TALK: "Persistent phosphors for sustainable applications"

Invited Speaker

Mario Favre

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

TALK: “Pulsed Laser Deposition of thin films: basic features and examples”

Invited Speaker

Eduardo Cisternas

Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile

TALK: "Self-assembled monolayer formation of linear molecules onto a FCC (111) surface"

The Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speaker

Enrique Martinez

Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

TALK: "Assembly of an Electrochromic Device Prototype based on WO3 and NiOx Thin Films"

Keynote Speaker

Shanmuga Sundar Dhanabalan

Universidad de Chile

TALK: "Conductive oxides role in flexible electronic devices applications"

Keynote Speaker

Christian Gomez Solis

University of Guanajuato, Mexico

TALK: "Smart nanomaterials suspended in water for the destruction of covid virus: a registered patent"

Keynote Speaker

Rubén Otxoa

University of Cambridge, UK

TALK: "Spin-Peltier effect induced antiferromagnetic domain walls"

Keynote Speaker

Diego Esparza

Universidad de Zacatecas, Mexico

TALK: "Stability of solar cells based on 2D/3D perovskites”"

Keynote Speaker

Noelia Benito

Universidad de Concepción, Chile

TALK: "Enhance of efficiency of DSSC by introducing AgNPs synthetized by green synthesis"

Keynote Speaker

Yanio Milian

CELiMIN-Universidad de Antofagasta

TALK: "The role of nanoparticles to enhance salt hydrates properties for thermal energy storage"

Keynote Speaker

Riya Dey

Freelance Researcher, India

TALK: "Upconverting phosphors of temperature sensing"

Keynote Speaker

Oscar Ozuna

Freelance Researcher , USA

TALK: "Industrial Physics, Process Development"

Keynote Speaker

Henry Fernández

Aalto University, Finland

TALK: "Vacuum field hybridization with novel two-dimensional semiconductors"

Keynote Speaker

Paula Marín

University of Warwick, UK

TALK: "Beyond standard materials: Prospects of applications of waste materials based on hydrated salts as thermochemical storage systems”

Keynote Speaker

María Quintana Cáceda

Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), Peru

TALK: "Natural peruvian dyes for dye sensitized solar cells"



This event will be on-line, please download the zoom aplication at your PC, laptop, tablet or cell-phone. Also, the conference can be followed by facebook-live:


The poster session will be posted at this site. Please, visit our blog to write questions and comments for each poster.

Let us know if you'll be attending!

E-mail: expresstallerphysmat2020@ucn.cl

It is our pleasure to announce that the e-CPM2020 is sponsored by the following companies, please visit their virtual stands, web-pages, and contact them.