How to Become a Microsoft Dynamic 365 Partner in Canada

Selecting the right Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner is crucial for Canadian businesses looking to implement and get the most value out of Dynamics 365. With the right partner, you can ensure a smooth implementation, optimized usability, tight integration, and maximum ROI. However, not all partners are created equal. Here are the 8 most important things for Canadian organizations to look for when evaluating potential Dynamics 365 partners. Continue reading this article if you're interested in finding out what factors are most important to consider when selecting a Dynamics 365 Partner in Canada.

What is a Microsoft Dynamics Partner?

A Microsoft Dynamics partner is an organization that provides consulting and implementation services for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and other Dynamics solutions. Dynamics partners have extensive knowledge and experience deploying Dynamics platforms to meet business needs across sales, customer service, finance, operations, and more. Partners have certified technical professionals and proven methodologies to deliver successful Dynamics projects. They provide a range of services from initial needs assessment and solution design to configuration, customization, data migration, integration, change management, training, and ongoing support. By leveraging the expertise of a Microsoft Dynamics partner, organizations can effectively adopt Dynamics solutions, maximize business value, and enable digital transformation.

How to become a Microsoft Dynamics Partner?

Depending on how quickly you pick things up, it may take some time to become a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partners This is a detailed guide explaining the process of becoming a Microsoft Dynamics Partner.

With the right investments in people, knowledge, and marketing, becoming a profitable Microsoft Dynamics partner is an achievable goal. Consistently delivering customer success is critical to growing within the Microsoft ecosystem.

Key Factors to Consider When Looking for a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner.

1. Industry Expertise and Experience

One of the most critical factors is choosing a partner with extensive expertise and experience within your specific industry. Dynamics 365 is highly customizable, but truly optimized implementations leverage industry best practices. Make sure any potential partner has an established track record of successful Dynamics 365 deployments specifically for your industry. This experience will enable them to configure Dynamics to your industry’s unique business processes, requirements, and nuances.

Industry expertise to look for includes:

A partner well-versed in your vertical can help ensure your Dynamics platform is set up to meet all your sector’s needs right from the start.

2. Flat Rates and Predictable Pricing

Implementing Dynamics 365 can get complex fast, making the costs difficult to predict. To budget effectively, look for partners that offer simple flat-rate pricing and predictable cost structures. Beware of partners touting cheap hourly rates that can quickly balloon with any scope changes or customizations. Make sure the partner is upfront about all costs, outlines them clearly in the contract, and assumes responsibility for any price overruns.

Ideally, find a partner to provide:

Flat rates, even if higher upfront, can prevent sticker shock and provide financial peace of mind.

3. Pre-Built Accelerators and Add-Ons

To get the most from Dynamics 365, you’ll likely need it integrated with other business systems and extended to meet industry-specific needs. Rather than building from scratch, look for a partner that offers pre-built solutions to accelerate your implementation.

Valuable accelerators to look for include:

Leveraging a partner’s existing IP and add-ons can greatly reduce costs, speed deployments, and simplify complex integrations - getting you up and running quickly with proven solutions tailored to your needs.

4. Cloud and Infrastructure Expertise

Dynamics 365 is built to leverage the power of the cloud for maximum business impact. You want a partner who is a seasoned expert at cloud deployments to ensure smooth performance and easy scalability.

Key cloud capabilities to look for in a partner include:

Prioritizing cloud expertise will provide confidence your Dynamics platform will perform and scale seamlessly in the cloud.

5. Focus on User Adoption

The success of your Dynamics 365 implementation hinges on driving end-user adoption across your organization. Make sure prospective partners prioritize change management and user adoption strategies.

Look for partners with:

With the right adoption strategies, they can help employees embrace Dynamics 365 - maximizing your ROI.

6. Implementation Methodology

Specialized implementation strategies designed for Dynamics 365 can streamline success. Look for a partner with established methodologies to support planning, configurations, testing, training, and go-live.

Key methodologies to look for include:

Proven methodologies minimize disruptions during implementations and drive consistent customer success.

7. Focus on Maintainability

To sustain long-term benefits from Dynamics 365, you need to keep solutions optimized, adopt the latest features, and plan for growth. Seek out a partner invested in maintainability via ongoing support, updates, and enhancements. 

Maintenance capabilities to look for include:

With a focus on maintainability, you can ensure your Dynamics platform continues driving maximum value and evolving to meet changing needs.

8. Strong Microsoft Partnership

The best Dynamics 365 partners have close relationships with Microsoft itself. They should have high partner designations, frequent collaboration with product teams, and direct pipelines to Microsoft resources and insights.

Signs of a strong Microsoft partnership:

Leveraging a partner fully plugged into Microsoft will provide insider access you can’t get on your own.

You can also read:  Essential Things You Must Know on Dynamics 365 Implementation Partners


Choosing the right partner is one of the most important Dynamics 365 decisions for achieving success. Focus on industry expertise, predictable pricing, accelerators, cloud skills, driving adoption, proven methodologies, maintainability, and a close Microsoft relationship. Prioritizing these key factors will lead you to the ideal partner to maximize the value of Dynamics 365 for your organization. With the wrong partner choice, your implementation risks delays, cost overruns, and performance issues down the road. But the right partner will ensure a smooth journey to Dynamics 365 success and unmatched ROI in Canada.