PhysBones is a set of components that lets you add secondary motion to avatars, permitting you to add motion to things like hair, tails, ears, clothing, and more! Using these well will make your avatar seem more dynamic and real.

Defines a chain of bones to be animated with PhysBones. These can be used to simulate soft-body and secondary motion like hair, tails, floppy ears, and more! It has many configuration options, and can be set up in many ways.

Dynamic Bones 1.3.2 Download Free


Additionally, PhysBones can be interacted with by you and other people! If you've given the other user permission, other people can grab PhysBones set up on your avatar, and pull the Trigger while holding the PhysBone to "Pose" it and hold it in position. You can also disable this in configuration to not allow posing, not allow grabbing, or allow no collisions at all.

You can now select the version of VRCPhysBone component you would like to use directly on the component. By default the latest version will be chosen when creating a new component. Existing avatars will continue to use their previous version unless manually updated and re-uploaded.

Root Transform - The transform where this component begins. If left blank, we assume we start at this game object.

Ignore Transforms - List of ignored transforms that shouldn't be affected by this component. Ignored transforms automatically include any of that transform's children.

Endpoint Position - Vector used to create additional bones at each endpoint of the chain. Only used if the value is non-zero. Usually you'll want to increase this along +Y, which points "up" the bone.

Multi-Child Type - Behavior of the root bone when multiple bone chains exist. This has three modes:

If set to Ignore, the root bone will not move, and will ignore physics. Useful for things like hair, since you can use one Physbone component on the root to affect all of the hair bones!

If set to First, the root bone will form one continuous chain with the first bone chain in the hierarchy. Every other chain will still work, but they will start from the first bone in each respective chain rather than the root like the first chain.

For example, if you put the PhysBone component on any of the RootBones below, you must define an Endpoint Position in order for PhysBones to work. This is different from Dynamic Bones!

Integration Type defines the type of math used to simulate the motion of any transform affected by this component. Depending on which you choose, your options available in the Forces section will change. You can choose between two:

Most (if not all) of the options below allow for Curves by pressing the C button next to the slider. Curves let you adjust the value over the length of the bone chain, and allow for VERY complicated setups within bone chains!

Pull - Amount of force used to return bones to their rest position.

Spring - Amount bones will wobble when trying to reach their rest position. Only available in Simplified Integration Type.

Momentum - The amount bones will wobble when trying to reach their rest position. Only available in Advanced Integration Type. Despite the description being the same, the effect is slightly different than Spring.

Stiffness - The amount bones will try to stay at their resting position. Only available in Advanced Integration Type.

Gravity - Amount of gravity applied to bones. Positive value pulls bones down, negative pulls upwards.

Gravity Falloff - Only available if Gravity is non-zero. It controls how much Gravity is removed while in the rest position. A value of 1.0 means that Gravity will not affect the bone while in rest position at all. This allows you to have the effects of gravity when the bone is rotated off the initial position without affecting the bone's rest state.

One way to use the Gravity Falloff parameter is that if your hair is modeled as already being in the pose you want when standing up normally, you can use 1.0 gravity falloff. That way gravity won't affect you when you're just standing there, and your hair will rest in its modeled position. If your hair is modeled 45 degrees straight out and you want it to be affected by gravity enough to have a nice curve (but not completely straight out or completely straight down), the slider allows you to fiddle with it and use like 0.5-0.8 to only have a fraction of gravity at rest pose.

If set to All Motion, Immobile reduces any motion as calculated from the root transform's parent. This is the default mode for new PhysBones and converted Dynamic Bones. In this mode all PhysBone movement in either scene-space or playspace will be dampened by the Immobile factor.

If set to World (Experimental), Immobile negates only positional movement from the reference of the scene root transform. Motion via animation or IK still affects the bones normally. This mode may change in the future!

This means that moving around in your playspace will still affect your PhysBones' movement as normal, but locomoting (pushing on your joystick to move) will have its movement dampened by the Immobile factor.

Setting Limits allows you to limit the amount that a PhysBone chain can move. This is useful when you don't want hair to clip into your head, and is far more performant than a collider!

Additionally, when configuring options for Limits, a visualization of those limits will appear in the Scene view when you have the PhysBone chain selected. These can be extremely helpful when fine-tuning Limits!

Polar is a bit more complicated. If you take a Hinge and sweep it across Yaw by some amount, you get a segment of a sphere in Polar coordinates. You can configure Max Pitch and Max Yaw to adjust the size of the segment, and use Rotation to define where that segment is located on the sphere. The visualization for Polar is especially helpful.

Don't overuse Polar limits, as they have a non-zero performance cost. Using a huge amount (handwaving: more than 64) will probably cause some issues. If your Max Pitch and Max Yaw values are similar or the same, an Angle limit will suffice and costs less performance-wise.

Radius - Collision radius around each bone in meters. Used for both collision and grabbing.

Allow Collision - Allows collision with colliders other than the ones specified on this component. Currently the only other colliders are each player's hands and fingers as defined by their avatar.

Colliders - List of colliders that specifically collide with these bones.

Stretch Motion - The amount motion will affect the stretch/squish of the bones. A value of zero means bones will only stretch/squish as a result of grabbing or collisions.

Max Stretch - Maximum amount the bones can stretch. This value is a multiple of the original bone length. Note: Maximum Bounds

Max Squish - Maximum amount the bones can shrink. This value is a multiple of the original bone length.

Allow Grabbing - Allows players to grab the bones.

Allow Posing - Allows players to pose the bones after grabbing.

Grab Movement - Controls how grabbed bones move. A value of zero results in bones using pull & spring to reach the grabbed position. A value of one results in bones immediately moving to the grabbed position.

Snap To Hand - When a bone is grabbed it will snap to the bone grabbing it.


[Float] Range of 0.0-1.0. Normalized 180 angle made between the end bone's is from its original rest position. In other words, if you twist a bone completely opposite of its start direction, this param will have a value of 1.0.

Is Animated - Allows bone transforms to be animated. Each frame bone rest position will be updated according to what was animated. This must be enabled in order for any bone in the PhysBone chain (Root bone included!) to respect animations applied to it.

However, you should aim not to have that many transforms to animate in the first place. Try merging bones in the chain upward to their immediate parents. Community-created tools like Cat's Blender Plugin can do this for you.

However, if you animate a property of a PhysBone component and then animate the component off and then on, you may get the behavior you want. Be aware that this is not a supported method of animating these properties, and will not be supported in future changes. (In other words, it might break. If it does, we're not going to try to fix it.)

Do not set Humanoid bones as PhysBone Root bones. In other words, do not set Hip, Spine, Chest, Upper Chest, Neck, Head, or any of the limb bones as Roots. This will cause major issues.

Instead, duplicate the bone you want to use as root and re-parent all the children bones you want to animate to that new duplicate root. This should be done in Blender. Community-created tools like Cat's Blender Plugin can do this for you.

Unlike Dynamic Bones, the root bone of a PhysBone chain is permitted to rotate. It can't translate, though. This can have some consequences with certain setups-- try things out on your own to see how it behaves.

When affecting parameters, there is no need to use Synced Parameters as defined by the VRCExpressionParameters object. These parameters are already updated on both the local and remote machines, as both will be running PhysBones.

Dynamic Bones bases its Inert value from where the component is placed, not the root transform. This is probably a Dynamic Bones bug. As such, PhysBones bases its Immobile value from the root transform. This may affect behavior in some cases.

Because of the multi-threaded nature of PhysBones, it isn't always the most efficient to put all bones into a single chain. Multiple components allows us to break up the work across threads. However, you should still strive to have fewer components... but it's not as bad to have a few on your avatar as it was with Dynamic Bones.

If you really need a number, you should consider splitting sets of chains when you're getting over 128 transforms affected by a single component. If you have a dress with 256 bones and it splits at a root, splitting it into two or three components will work. 152ee80cbc

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