Current Members

Sehar Shahzad Farooq (Postdoc Researcher)

Sep. 2023 ~ present     : Postdoctoral research associate, ISIP Lab, Keimyung University, Daegu, ROK

Oct. 2019Aug. 2023 : Postdoc research associate, Kyungpook National University (Supervisor : Prof. Soon Ki Jung)

Sep. 2018 ~ Sep. 2019 : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan

Feb. 2012 ~ Aug. 2018 : Ph.D in Computer science and engineering, Sejong University, Seoul, ROK

Ph.D Thesis : Game Player Modeling Using LSTM-DNN and Multi-Modal Data Analysis (Supervisor : Prof. Kyungjoong Kim)

Chenyuan Zhang (장진원) (석사과정)

Sep. 2023 ~ present     : Master student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu, ROK

Sep. 2019 ~  Aug. 2023 : B.S in Computer Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu, ROK.

최준우 (석사과정)

Mar. 2023 ~ present : Master Student in Computer Engineering, KMU

Mar. 2018 ~ Feb. 2024 : B.S in Computer Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu, ROK.

김희준 (석사과정)

Mar. 2024 ~ present : Master Student in Computer Engineering, KMU

Mar. 2022 ~ Feb. 2024 : B.S in Computer Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu, ROK.

고재현 (학부연구원)

July. 2023 ~ present : Undergraduate Resercher (ISIP group, KMU)

Mar. 2023 ~ Feb. 2025 : B.S in Computer Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu, ROK.

박지민 (학부연구원)

Oct. 2023 ~ present : Undergraduate Resercher (ISIP group, KMU)

Mar. 2020 ~ present : Undergraduate(integrated Bachelor and Master degree program) Student in Dept. of Computer Engineering, KMU

한채림 (학부연구원)

Nov. 2023 ~ present : Undergraduate Resercher (ISIP group, KMU)

Mar. 2021 ~ present : Undergraduate Student in Dept. of Computer Engineering, KMU

정재현 (학부연구원)

Mar. 2024 ~ present : Undergraduate Resercher (ISIP group, KMU)

Mar. 2019 ~ present : Undergraduate Student in Dept. of Computer Engineering, KMU

이덕우(Deokwoo Lee), PI

Associate Professor, 

Department of Computer Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu, ROK.

Professional Experiences
