polisi (plural polisi-polisi, first-person possessive polisiku, second-person possessive polisimu, third-person possessive polisinya)

A high diversity of rattlesnake species can be found in the Baja California peninsula and the island of the Gulf of California, nevertheless, their venom has been poorly evaluated. The aim of this work was to present the first characterization of endemic Crotalus mitchellii, micro endemic C. polisi and C. thalassoporus venoms. All samples provoke human plasma coagulation showing doses in the rank of 2.3-41.0 g and also produce rapid hydrolysis of the alpha chain of bovine fibrinogen while the beta chain is attacked at larger incubation periods by C. polisi and especially by C. thalassoporus. Phospholipase activity ranging from 23.2 to 173.8 U/mg. The venoms of C. thalassoporus and C. polisi show very high hemorrhagic activity (from 0.03 to 0.31 g). A total of 130 toxin-related proteins were identified and classified into ten families. Crotalus mitchellii venom was characterized by high abundance of crotoxin-like and other phospholipase proteins (34.5%) and serine proteinases (29.8%). Crotalus polisi showed a similar proportion of metalloproteinases (34%) and serine proteinases (22.8%) components with important contribution of C-type lectins (14.3%) and CRiSP (14.0%) proteins. Venom of C. thalassoporus is dominated by metalloproteases that amount to more than 66% of total toxin proteins. These results provide a foundation for comprehending the biological, ecological and evolutionary significance of venom composition of speckled rattlesnake from the Baja California peninsula.

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Platoni analizon polisin n veprn e tij Republika, titulli grek i t cilit,  ( Politeia ), rrjedh nga fjala polis. Forma m e mir e qeverisjes s polisit pr Platonin sht ajo q on n t mirn e prbashkt. Mbreti filozof sht sundimtari m i mir sepse, si filozof, ai njihet me Formn e t Mirs. N analogjin e Platonit pr anijen e shtetit, mbreti filozof drejton polisin, sikur t ishte nj anije, n drejtimin m t mir.

"Polis haqqnda" Qanunun 8-ci maddsin sasn, qanunla slahiyyt verilmi xslrdn baqa, hr hans xsin istniln sbbdn polisin qanuni faliyytin mhdudiyyt qoymas, tsir v mdaxil etmsi yolverilmzdir v Azrbaycan Respublikasnn qanunvericiliyin mvafiq qaydada msuliyyt sbb olur, 9-cu maddy sasn is, polis xidmtlrinin yaradlmas, yenidn qurulmas v lvi, polisin faliyytin rhbrlik, polis orqanlarnda vzify tyin v vzifdn azad etm Azrbaycan Respublikasnn mvafiq icra hakimiyyti orqannn myynldirdiyi qaydada hyata keirilir.

I. Azrbaycan Respublikasnda polisin tyinat insanlarn hyatn, salamln, hquq v azadlqlarn, dvltin, fiziki v hquqi xslrin qanuni mnafelrini v mlkiyytini hquqa zidd mllrdn qorumaqdan ibartdir.

Azrbaycan Respublikasnn "Polis haqqnda" Qanununun 5-ci maddsin sasn, insan v vtnda hquq v azadlqlarnn mdafisi sahsind polisin faliyyti aadaklardr:

III. Fiziki v hquqi xslr haqqnda polisin yayd mlumatlarn hqiqt uyun olmad myynldirildikd polis bir ay mddtind hmin mlumatlar onlarn yayld formada tkzib etmlidir.

IV. Polis mkda olmayan dvlt hakimiyyti orqanlarnn mkdalar Azrbaycan Respublikasnn qanunvericiliyi il myynldirilmi qaydada ictimai asayiin v thlksizliyin tmin olunmas iin clb edildikd bu sahd polisin vziflri onlarn da zrin qoyulur. Bel olduu halda polis mkdalar n nzrd tutulan hquqi, maddi v sosial tminatlar onlara da amil edilir.

VI. Hr hans vziflrin yerin yetirilmsin clb edildikd, polis mkda xidmt zr tabeliyi olmayan polisin yuxar rtbli xsinin mr v gstrilrini icra etmy borcludur. 2351a5e196

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