I was looking for a function in python which can shrink the labels. It is kind of like erosion but of each labelled region. Lets say I have two touching labels, 1 and 2 of two circles. Now I want to shrink both labels/erode pixels so that they do not touch each other by d number of pixels.

I am not quite sure I understand you correctly.

Do you want to shrink each label by n pixels ? Or do you want to shrink until touching labels are separated by at least n pixels and leave non-touching labels untouched?

In the latter case you could find gradients in the label image. Basically every pixel where the label value changes. Then dilate this line by n pixels and use it to mask out the labels.

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What I wanted is the former, shrink each label by n pixels, I thought of the brute force way too, just was thinking if I can do something along the lines of expand_labels implementation or if someone has some function like that one.

I did but did not post the file back since it is so easy to do according to what I described. But apparently this is not the case? Attached is the result of it joined without naked edges at the surface seams

trimshrink_fixed.3dm (93.7 KB)

I am new to Grasshopper and I am struggling with shrink wrapping object. If someone can help me with this issue, it would be great! Since I do not know how to write my own definition, I found two definitions that gives me the result that looks close but they all still have some problems. In the image I attached, the one on the very left is closest to what I want although I need the edges to be sharper. And that is what was included in the Rhino file that I downloaded from Forum with the definition. However, when I use the same definition ([1.gh) and bake it, the middle one in the image is what I am getting which is way too tensile. And I also found another definition (2.gh) and I could get the result on the very right. This one on the other hand is not tensile at all but I could get sharp edges. Since I am completely new to Grasshopper, I could not figure out the problems. If someone knows how to solve it, please let me know! @laurent_delrieu

Would there be an issue if i shrink a volume with existing data on it? Take for example I have a volume called A sized at 2TB which contains 1TB of data. Can I shrink the volume to 1.5TB without issues?

Now with that said, often the requirement for shrinking is to pull back space (i.e., in your case to pull back some of the 1TB of data that was over provisioned). The beauty with the Nimble arrays is that space actually isn't utilised as it's more than likely thin provisioned so there really is no detriment in keeping it that size as it won't really being used on the array.

I am trying to connect my laptop to a TV. I can't shrink the screen size using Intel Graphics Command Center as far as I have seen. I know I was able to do exactly that using the old Intel Graphics Control Panel. Is there any way to do this in Command Center, or is there another app (I don't care from who) that can shrink a display to match the corners correctly?

Your second suggestion also cannot be used as intel graphics control panel is no longer useable with the new intel graphics drivers. I know that screen shrinking is possible because of that program had a feature for it, but when I updated my computer new drivers were installed and I can't use the old program anymore.

Can anyone suggest how I can achieve this affect from Storyline itself? Or is there a quick easy way to convert my Storyline slide into PPT, apply the shrink effect and motion path and then re-import to Storyline?

This is an older post, did you get it resolved Emily?

I am working on a course now, with similar requirement, and found it quite easy.

Add an exit animation of shrink, along with a motion path. they will work together, and quite well actually.

The developers have purged a lot of data from a database and do not expect the database to ever grow to this size ever again. They are asking me to shrink the data files but since I know this is generally bad practice, due to potential performance issues, would it still be a bad idea in this case?

Generally, yes, you're right; shrinking is bad. If you have any Indexes on the database, they're liking to get fragmented; thus you'll end up having to rebuild them. (The whole thing isn't quite that simple, but that's just one reason).

If you're going to gain a lot of space when shrinking, and the database is unlikely to change, then it is (possibly) worth a consideration. Note, however, you're going to need to rebuild all of your indexes on that database. That's going to then use up more space, which will then end up as "free". I don't recommend then shrinking it again, as then you're back at stage B (fragmented indexes).

@tuanphan I was able to get it to shrink but it has a weird glitch where it goes to the right side of the page first. Can you help me figure out why? 

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This is the code I used:

The flex-shrink CSS property sets the flex shrink factor of a flex item. If the size of all flex items is larger than the flex container, items shrink to fit according to flex-shrink.

I bought Affinity Designer a few weeks ago and have been slowly but steadily learning to use it. It's a great app, and almost all my questions so far have been solved by a quick google search or searching these forums, but I've got one now that I just cannot figure out. I have a complex shape (Curve) that I want to duplicate and then shrink so that it forms a sort of border of uniform thickness around the inside of the original shape. A "normal" resize via the Transform panel throws all the proportions off.

I hope I'm explaining it properly. Is there a way to do this? In other apps I've used, it's been a matter of a Shrink menu command, and then inputting how much (usually in mm or pixels) I want it to shrink by. If such a menu item exists in A.D. I can't find it.

Unfortunately, directly shrinking a Cloud SQL database disk is not possible. While storage size can be increased, decreasing it is challenging due to the inherent limitations of the underlying storage system. However, there are several approaches you can take to optimize your data and migrate to a more efficient storage size:

Damage may occur as tree roots take up water from the soil, causing the ground to dry out and shrink. Shrinkage can cause uneven settlement leading to subsidence at the surface. This occurs predominantly during spring and summer. The drying results in vertical and horizontal movement of the soil, which may lead to the subsidence of buildings with shallow foundations.

All clays are susceptible to some shrinkage and swelling due to changes in moisture content. Those with a higher proportion of expansive clay minerals, such as smectite, are even more prone. The amount by which a soil changes in volume as it dries or becomes saturated is known as its volume-change potential (VCP) and this in turn is reflected by shrinkage and swelling of the ground.

The VCP indicates the potential of a soil to change in volume due to a change in soil moisture. Soils with high or very high VCP may easily cause damage to foundations with a small volume change. Soils with low or medium VCP are not likely to expand or shrink by a damaging amount, under normal situations, but may experience such a change in extreme conditions.

We carry out detailed geotechnical and mineralogical investigations into rock types known to shrink and we are modelling their properties across the near surface. This research underpins guidance contained in the national GeoSure datasets and is the basis for our responses to local authorities, companies and members of the public who require specific information on the hazard in their areas.

The maximum number of primary shards for the target index is equal to the number of primary shards in the source index because the shrink operation is used to reduce the primary shard count. As an example, consider a source index with 5 primary shards that occupy a total of 600 GB of storage. If max_shard_size is 100 GB, the minimum number of primary shards is 600/100, which is 6. However, because the number of primary shards in the source index is smaller than 6, the number of primary shards in the target index is set to 5.

You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. For example, use md:shrink-0 to apply the shrink-0 utility at only medium screen sizes and above.

"Hey, where'd my pores go?" - you after using this. And what is this exactly? An overnight treatment packed with a balanced blend of acids to shrink the look of pores and leave skin looking smooth & plump. The jelly-glaze texture wraps skin like a cozy blanket, sealing in acids and moisture deep while you sleep. Get it on and forget it, then rest easy knowing you'll wake up to skin that looks retexturized, renewed and brighter overnight and over time. Aaand, that's a wrap.

The benefits of collation shrink film are numerous. Not only do they seamlessly bundle together multiple items, but their versatile branding opportunities make for fantastic shelf-life appeal. Through collaborations with progressive brand owners, we have gained decades of valuable experience which enables us to help you get the most out of collation shrink film packaging.

Collaboration is the key to reaching sustainability and recyclability goals within the packaging industry. So as well as offering PCR resins and state-of-the-art design, prototyping and testing facilities at our Pack Studios locations, we have a range of resins designed to improve collation shrink film performance.

The predictive value of a statistical model can often be improved by applying shrinkage methods. This can be achieved, e.g., by regularized regression or empirical Bayes approaches. Various types of shrinkage factors can also be estimated after a maximum likelihood. While global shrinkage modifies all regression coefficients by the same factor, parameterwise shrinkage factors differ between regression coefficients. With variables which are either highly correlated or associated with regard to contents, such as several columns of a design matrix describing a nonlinear effect, parameterwise shrinkage factors are not interpretable and a compromise between global and parameterwise shrinkage, termed 'joint shrinkage', is a useful extension. A computational shortcut to resampling-based shrinkage factor estimation based on DFBETA residuals can be applied. Global, parameterwise and joint shrinkage for models fitted by lm(), glm(), coxph(), or mfp() is available. 0852c4b9a8

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