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 Datatable Visualizer Activity

The Datatable Visualizer Activity offers a straightforward method to visually inspect DataTable data in a table view, providing various fields to enhance the data exploration experience.


1. Total No Of Rows:

   - Displays the total number of rows in the DataTable.

2. Total No Of Columns:

   - Shows the total number of columns in the DataTable.

3. Visible Rows:

   - Indicates the number of currently displayed rows in the TableView for effective visualization.

4. Visible Columns:

   - Indicates the number of currently displayed columns in the TableView for effective visualization.

5. Editable Button:

   - (Currently in Development) - Edit mode is under development and will be available soon.

6. Done Button:

   - Closes the TableView when clicked.

Activity Inputs:

1. Datatable:

   - Add a DataTable (Refer to important notes for limitations).

2. Visible Rows:

   - Specify the desired number of rows to display.

   - Note:

     - If the specified visible rows exceed the maximum threshold, it will be limited to the maximum allowed rows.

     - If left empty, the entire DataTable will be used, considering the maximum rows threshold.

3. Column Range:

   - Provide a column range, e.g., 2:10 (startColumn:endColumn).

   - Note:

     - The range should be provided as a count, not as an index of the columns.

     - The max column threshold will also be applied to the total column count for Column Range.

4. Column Names:

   - Provide column names.

   - Note:

     - If the Column Range field is provided, the Column Names field will not be considered.

     - The max column threshold will also be applied to the total column count for Column Names.

Important Notes:

- Maximum Displayed Rows:

  - The TableView will display a maximum of 1.5 million rows (15 lakhs).

- Maximum Displayed Columns:

  - The TableView supports a maximum of 20,000 columns (20k).