Durham FLAT

Friday Lunchtime Astrophysics Talks

When: Fridays 1:00-2:00pm 

Where: in OCW017 and Zoom (Connection details circulated by email)

Organisers: Andreia Carrillo  & Shaun Brown

General information: As we continue to adapt to the remote format imposed by the pandemic, we are adopting some adjustments to the FLAT organisation philosophy, effective from Jan 2021:

Information for speakers: 

Recordings of past talks

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October 15 2021: Duncan Mackenzie The ULX Population: Catalogues, HLXs and PULXs

June 4 2021: Anna Niemiec e & Chris Agostino Influence of the cluster environment on the galaxy/subhalo connection & Physical Drivers of Emission Line Diversity of SDSS Seyfert 2s and LINERs After Removal of Contributions by Star Formation  

May 21 2021: Cerny Catherine & Andonie Carolina Modelling the density profile of galaxy clusters with MUSE spectroscopy and strong gravitational lensing & IR QSO in the COSMOS field: are obscured QSO special? 

May 14 2021: Turner Hannah & Husko Filip Black hole spin and AGN jet feedback in hydrodynamical simulations &  Kinematic and dynamical modelling of the “Jackpot” triple-source lens

January 12 2021: Amy Rankine [P%i5$Hb6] Investigating quasar outflows using LOFAR radio properties and UV emission lines 

December 4 2020: Reza Ayromlou [not recorded] The role of environment in galaxy evolution

November 27 2020: Genoveva Micheva [V2Pjj7z!] Mitigating the effects of Satellite Constellations on Astronomy 

November 13 2020: Alberto Rosales-de-Leon [ar.2Yu^5] Neutrinos and gamma rays from blazars

November 10 2020: Lorenzo Zanisi [AY3i%!Wj] Joint constraints on galaxy evolution from theoretical models and deep learning 

October 30 2020: Yao-Yuan Mao [0QA2EwE.] The SAGA Survey: Building a Statistical Sample of Satellite Systems around Milky Way-like Galaxies

October 16 2020: Vicky Fawcett [2nH.*v3i] An X-shooter insight into dust-reddened quasars

October 2 2020: Stacy Kim [C0bz!pHy] Completeness Corrections and the Small Scale Issues of the Milky Way and Beyond

September 25 2020: Francesco Valentino [cUXv5M$H] A survey of molecular gas in distant normal galaxies

September 11 2020: Anne Hutter [c0Q?B#^k] The environment and physical properties of re-ionization sources

August 7 2020: Camila Correa [not recorded] Constraining Velocity-dependent Self-Interacting Dark Matter with the Milky Way’s dwarf spheroidal galaxies

July 31 2020: Nicole Thomas [dXtq5E?m] Can Simba reproduce a realistic population of jet-mode AGN?

July 24 2020: Aayush Saxena [AT83+R7x]  The nature of He II 1640 A emitting star-forming galaxies at high redshifts

July 17 2020: Sebastian Trujillo-Gomez [3u.K5^@@] Gas, stars, and globular clusters in the local Universe as tracers of galaxy formation and evolution, and the nature of dark matter