About Me

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Digital Security Group at Radboud University, Netherlands, working under the supervision of Prof. Lejla Batina

I pursued my PhD in Secured Embedded Architecture Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur from July 2018 to August 2023. I was jointly supervised by Prof. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay and Dr. Aritra Hazra.  

My research interests include machine learning analysis of lightweight security primitives. I am interested in provable machine learning analysis of PUF architectures. I am also interested in automation of design and formal analysis of PUFs that aid in designing a provably secure PUF design.

I received my B.Tech in 2016 from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur.

Contact Details:

Email address: durba.chatterjee [at] ru [dot] nl,  durba [at] iitkgp [dot] ac [dot] in, durba.chatterjee94 [at] gmail [dot] com

Office address:  Room 03.11b, Mercator 1 Building @ RU campus, Nijmegen, Netherlands