In the Contacts app , link contact cards for the same person in different accounts so they appear only once in your All Contacts list. When you have contacts from multiple sources, you might have multiple entries for the same person in Contacts. To keep redundant contacts from appearing in your All Contacts list, contacts from different sources with the same name are linked and displayed as a single unified contact.

If you just want to review your contacts conveniently and delete duplicates, we recommend doing it using AnyTrans for iOS. This tool helps you manage your iPhone, iPad, and iPod content on a Mac with ease. AnyTrans also allows you to export your contacts in various formats, making it easy to back them up or transfer them to another device.

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In case you have multiple iCloud accounts, your contacts may be stored in different accounts, preventing them from being merged. Check your iCloud settings to make sure all your contacts are stored in the same account.

Managing contacts on an iPhone can be a challenging task, particularly if you have duplicate entries. Fortunately, Apple has made it easy to merge and link contacts. The steps in this article will show you how to merge, link, and delete contacts on your iPhone.

Ocasionally a user is duplicated due to a change of their main email not being reflected on their Autotask contact, such as someone changing their last name after marriage, or for some other reason.

When this happens, Autotask creates a new contact automatically for this "new" user with an unkown email, and it might take some time to notice, causing a single user to have two contacts with different ticket histories. Deleting one of them will delete their historic data, but I don't see an option to merge in anyway two contacts. Am I missing something, or can anyone recommend a best practice approach for this issue?

@Tucker1 It sounds like you need to re-create the report as a single-object (contact) based report for this. Activity based reports will pull in multiple activities associated to the contacts.

EM Client is creating duplicate contacts. When I go to my contacts, I may have 20 or more of a certain contact. Others have just one like they are supposed to. Any ideas what is causing this? I am using version 7.1.32792.0 with a single gmail email address.

The Deduplicator will do a search, then give you a list of possible duplicates. You can go through it manually and choose which to delete, move or merge. In this example, you can click on the 1 contacts merged link before clicking on Process.

I have duplicate contacts on my iphone and account. I have gone in and deleted them 1 by 1 on both my account and in my iphone contacts. However, after a few days they come back then they continue to multiply. I now have some contacts that are showing 5 times on my iphone. I have contacts on my PC through Outlook and on icloud. HELP!!!!

Thank you for reaching out in Apple Support Communities. With duplicate contact, there's a chance that these contacts are syncing from more than one email account. To determine that, please go on your iPhone and open the Contacts app. Tap on "Groups" in the upper left corner and see if you have multiple accounts with a checkmark. If so, you can uncheck the account you'd prefer not to sync your contacts and see if the duplicate contacts continue to appear.

There was a time when all your contacts were stored on the good old fashioned SIM card so duplicate contacts wasn't really a thing - or at least not as much of a thing as it is these days. Now, your phone's contacts list likely comes from a number of different places - an iCloud backup, Gmail contacts and perhaps contacts from another email account for example - resulting in what could be several duplicates.

Prior to iOS 16 launching in 2022, cleaning up your contacts was no easy task. If you are running iOS 16 or later (the most recent is iOS 17) however, it's a piece of cake. Here's how to clean up your contacts on iPhone and get rid of those duplicates. If you just want to delete a contact on iPhone, head to the bottom of this feature and we've detailed the steps on how to do that too.

In order to get rid of duplicate contacts on iPhone and clean up your contacts so you only have one contact card for Joe Bloggs with all the information from the other three cards you might have, follow these steps.

If you've cleaned up your contact list and merged all those duplicates but you've now realised there are some in the remaining list that you really don't need, it's time to get deleting. Deleting a contact on iPhone is actually not as simple as you'd think. Normally, you can swipe right to left to delete on iPhone, whether that's a message, email or Note, for example. You can't do that for a contact though.

Added BPM to delete contacts from CustCnt and PerCon tables, when deleted from a quote (if the contact is not on any other quotes or orders). Attached as this should be built-in functionality IMO.

DeleteOrphanedCustomerContact.bpm (93.1 KB)

I can't seem to fix one of our users having duplicate contacts with different emails in Proofing HQ. I have a user who has a "Guest" contact with an email like, and also a "User" contact with an email like The "User" contact email is incorrect, and the "Guest" email is correct. Is there a way to fix the email of the "User" contact instance, so that I can delete the "Guest" contact?

Currently when Thinkific moves a contact into Infusionsoft (through the Thinkific standard integration setup), if there are multiple contacts with the same email address in Infusionsoft, Thinkific find a contact with the same email address and simply overrides that contact info in Infusionsoft with the new contact info coming in from Thinkific.

The only connection I can find is that all three of the contacts that are failing to populate correctly have a duplicate email address, I.E. "John Smith [email protected]" AND "Smith John [email protected]".

If this issue needs to be resolved by merging the contacts, then it needs to be a functionality offered to business accounts. Unless of course SmartSheet wants to handcuff themselves to being involved in the solution process by being bugged by the client until the problem can be resolved.

As we transition to new employment, gain friends, or part with others, our contact lists take on duplicate contacts or contacts we need to delete. Here's how you can manage multiple contacts from your phone and iCloud.

This message will notify you that there are duplicates. Tap View Duplicates to view the duplicates you have. From this screen, you can view the contacts and decide whether to merge them.

While this method is effective if the contacts are close in name, such as if you name colleagues "Work Bob" and "Work Jane." However, if your contacts are all over the place, you can two-finger swipe left or right on a contact to highlight multiple contacts out of order.

Using iCloud to manage multiple contacts gives you further control, allowing you to select multiple connections regardless of where they are in the contact list. So grab your Mac or PC and log into

The number of qualified leads is correct, it just means this many leads qualified for the smart campaign's smart list. The number below is how many leads are blocked from emails and those include leads that are marketing suspended, unsubscribed, or email invalid. All 100 leads will qualify, just at the actual send email flow step, only one of those leads with the duplicate email address will be sent the email, the others will skip that step and continue on in the flow.

The count for the smart campaign will always include all qualified leads because duplicates leads will still run through the same smart campaign and qualify for other flow steps, they just will not qualify for the same send email flow step and be sent the same email.

Does Marketo de-dupe automatically? We are having an issue where multiple contacts exist in our database that all have the same email address and we are seeing that marketo IS sending to the same email address twice, but will only send to the same contact once. This happens no matter if an email is triggered by a campaign or program or scheduled as a batch send.

I set up a new email account, and was trying to send my contacts to the new account. In doing so I did not get the contacts to sync with the new account, but they did duplicate in my contacts app and my messaging contacts app. I can not find a means to delete the duplicate contacts in the messaging app. I stopped by Verizon at Best Buy, and they told me that there is no way to delete the contacts once they are in the messaging app. I can't believe that.

Assuming you have logged into google with your phone it by default should sync your contacts, try going to and see if they are there, if not go to settings -> accounts and click on google and enable sync for contacts

I ended up going to Best Buy, where I got my LG G3 Verizon phone. The Tech tried everything to correct the duplication, but could not find how to do it. He deleted everything, and went back to factory settings. Darn if the duplicates didn't come back.

He went to my Verizon account, and went to the Verizon Cloud. Clicked on Contacts, and there were all the duplicate contacts. He deleted the duplications, leaving the original for each contact. BINGO the problem was solved. 17dc91bb1f

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