By the end of this short article, you will know how the Duolingo English Test is structured and how the question types will look. I will also share my top five tips for students studying on their own who need to improve their test score.

The main organizing principle you must become familiar with is the question types and how frequently they show up on the exam. The first five question types show up between three to six times during the first half of the test.

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The next part of the exam will consist of Interactive Reading and Interactive Listening passages. These are the latest additions to the test. Expect two short reading passages between 100 to 200 words. You will have seven or eight minutes to answer six questions about each passage.

The Interactive Reading will be followed by the latest addition to the Duolingo English Test, Interactive Listening. This part will also consist of two passages. One passage will be a conversation between two students about something related to campus life, and the second passage will be between a student and a campus worker, usually a professor. You will participate in the conversation, answering five or six questions. After the given passage is finished, you will have 75 seconds to write a summary of the conversation.

Note that this is just an example, and do not expect to encounter the questions in the same order on test day. Here are three of the most important things to keep in mind when preparing for the exam structure:

The directions for each of these questions will inform you of the least amount of words you have to write or the least amount of seconds you have to speak. No matter what the minimum requirement is, aim for the maximum.

Part of your grade is based on your grammatical and lexical complexity. The more you write and speak, the more opportunities you will have to show a wide range of grammar and vocabulary. If you hurry through these questions and follow the minimum requirements, it will be difficult to earn a score higher than 120.

When you begin to prepare for the Duolingo English Test, you will find a ton of free and paid resources that you can use to prepare for the exam. All of these materials are extremely helpful, but overwhelming. It is confusing when you sit down at your desk and try to figure out where to start.

Search any of the following question types on YouTube, and you will find examples to practice. Remember, the Duolingo English Test contains four adaptive questions that become more difficult if you perform well at the beginning of the test.

Speaking and writing questions are the hardest to prepare for because they require feedback from someone, usually a teacher, which is why I recommend working with a Duolingo English Test instructor like this one.

However, many test-takers will prepare on their own, which is why it is critical that you record your voice when you practice speaking. After you record your voice, listen back to your response and identify one or two ways you can improve. After that, do the same response again.

You do NOT want to see this message on your score report. Unfortunately, this happens to a ton of students. Since the Duolingo English Test is a completely automated testing experience, there is extensive technology in place that tracks your eye movement, mouse movement, computer behavior, and room environment to ensure that you do not cheat when you take the exam.

But what do you think? Are there any tips I missed that you believe would be helpful for students studying for the Duolingo English Test? Be sure to leave it in the comments below. I respond to all of them.

Hi Anjan, thanks for your question. Sorry to hear are having trouble getting to 120. The best suggestion would be to do a 30 minute evaulation with us. This way, it might be easier to see which part of the test you need to focus on.

Thank you for your questions. My understanding of both American and British English will be considered correct, I believe there are accommodations for students with certain special needs. The best course of action would be to contact Duoling and ask them what documentation you would have to provide.

Thanks for your question. 85-95 is giving you a general range, but this does not mean this will always be your score. Practice tests can often differ wildly from real results. If you do score in this range, it means your level of English would be classified as intermediate. Hope this helps. ?

Thanks very much for your question. We mainly teach test strategy but have no way of knowing how and why Duolingo may decide to invalidate your score. The best thing to do is contact Duolingo directly and explain your situation. Ask them explicitly how they came to the conclusion you were reading and how you can avoid this in the future. They are in a much stronger position to give you advice than we are. Hope this helps.

Hi teacher Josh,

I had a problem with the Duolingo practice test. I always get 95-135 or 85-135; my last attempt was 80-130, even though I write more than 100 words and speak more than 1 minute. What do you suggest to do to increase my score on the practice test?

Thank you for your question. It is difficult to know what areas you need to work on without seeing your test results broken down by category. Please consider doing a trial lesson with us so we can go through your test together and maybe make a plan.

Speaking and Writing certainly do contribute to the final grade. The main area where this is reflected is in the production score. I hope this answers your question, but if not, please feel free to clarify.

Hi Malalai, We provide test-taking strategies for the DET, but TST Prep does not administer the test. As such there is no way for us to tell what the technical problem was. I strongly suggest contacting the DET customer service and explaining your situation. Ask for specific advice as to how you can avoid this problem the third time.


The scores are not averaged equally. Some categories, like production, count more towards the overall score. For more information, you can check out this great article on the test. -beginners-guide-to-the-duolingo-english-test/#good-score

One common requirement is an English language proficiency exam. You have probably heard about the TOEFL iBT before, but there is a chance you might be able to take a new test: the Duolingo English Test

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Before we start, I want to mention that a better way to study for the Duolingo English Test than looking at sample questions and answers is by answering practice questions and getting scores and feedback.

In this photo, I see two people walking along the sidewalk, a man and a boy. They could be father and son. They appear to be having a conversation. Both of them have bags, so perhaps the father is dropping off his son at school on his way to work. There are orange and yellow leaves on the ground and they are wearing sweaters, so it is likely autumn.

In my view, the biggest advantage of being a freelance artist is the independence. You do not have a boss and therefore there is no one to tell you what to work on or how to spend your time. You are free to work on what you want, when you want. That freedom allows artists to explore their interests and take their art in new directions and to new levels.

However, an independent, freelance artist is not entirely independent. They still need to make a living by selling their art. This means that they can't make whatever they want. They have to make things that people are willing to pay for. Often, what people are willing to pay for is from what the artists may find find artistically valuable. Vincent Van Gogh is a famous, and tragic, example of this. While he was alive, he struggle to make a living off of his art. Today, however, his art is among the most valuable in the world.

Another disadvantage of being a freelance artist is that you don't have a predictable paycheck. When you work for a company, they will send you money every 2 weeks or 1 month. But as a freelancer, you could earn a lot of money 1 month but then not very much the other month. This can be quite stressful.

I believe that freelance artists command more respect from their peers in the art community. This is because it is perceived as more difficult, and therefore those who chose that path are more committed to their art. Working for a company can be seen as "selling out."

However, working for a company likely gives you access to a large network of artists or customers. The company can facilitate introductions to all kinds of people who can help you with producing and selling your art. A company could also provide financial support for things like conferences or art markets, which helps to expose your art to many more people.

A memorable experience I had in nature was when I hiked Wheeler Peak, the highest point in New Mexico. This experience was so enjoyable because it provided beautiful views. I also did the hike with classmates, and I enjoyed bonding with them during the trip.

We started our ascent in the forest. At one point, we passed through Aspen trees with white bark and bright orange leaves. On the top of the mountain, we could see countless peaks and ridges all around.

The hike was organized through my school. We spent hours and hours hiking, so we had a lot of time to talk and get to know one another. It was a lot of fun learning about everyone and making new friends.

First, success in school does not happen overnight. It's like the old adage, "Rome was not built in a day." In order to acquire new knowledge and gain new skills, you have to learn a little bit each day. This consistency requires discipline. In my personal experience, this principle was most important in my study of mathematics. I never had a big breakthrough with math. Rather, I learned it a little bit at a time. 152ee80cbc

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