June 26-29, 2023

The 10th International Workshop

on the Dual Nature of f-Electrons

Himeji, Japan


The 10th International Workshop on the Dual Nature of f-electons will be held at Himeji city, Japan on June 26-29, 2023.

Motivation of the workshop

Exploring, understanding, and describing materials with strong electronic Coulomb correlations poses a big challenge for modern condensed-matter physics. Well-known examples of such systems include transition metal oxides, metals containing lanthanide or actinide atoms and organic conductors. At low temperatures, these materials exhibit novel phenomena, such as metal-to-insulator transitions, heavy fermion formation, unconventional long-range order as well as pronounced deviations from the typical universal metallic behavior.

This workshop is aimed to provide a venue to discuss discoveries and progress on the nature of f-electrons in many materials. The fascination with these materials results from the “Dual Nature” of the f-electrons that highlights the strong local correlations. The electrons of the partially filled 4f- or 5f- shells mainly preserve their localized atomic characters but strongly modify their properties that depend on long ranged coherence of wave functions. The Coulomb and spin-orbit interactions create a complex and highly correlated electronic state whose response is controlled collectively by the outer-shell electrons. This complexity generates a rich spectrum of physical states and exotic behaviors that pose the most challenging questions of today's condensed matter physics.

Complexity is generally regarded as a resource because it opens up possibilities for new functionalities and therefore novel technical applications. The central challenges in this area are to control material properties, to characterize them with a broad spectrum of measuring methods, and to develop a quantitative microscopic understanding the part of the theory.

This workshop explores emerging areas in strongly correlated quantum matter as exemplified by f-electron systems. Topics include but are not limited to:

We invite you to contribute and participate in a workshop devoted to debating and discussing the future directions of research and collaborations in the field.

Information of the workshop


Finantial Supports