Daniele Defilippis & Eric Tornabene

the duo

The piano duo was born as the result of a long-standing friendship and professional collaboration, which began first during their studies at the Conservatory in the class of Maestro Andrea Turini, then consolidated as a working agreement at the Civic School of Music of Rozzano and the territory of the southern outskirts of Milan.

The duo compared their training and improvement with the Masters Enrico Pace, Andrea Turini and the Admony-Kanazawa duo, at renowned Italian and foreign academies. Recognized as an emerging chamber ensemble, it has taken part in festivals, concerts and concert seasons in Italy (Lombardy, Puglia and Tuscany) and abroad (Israel: Beersheva and Sde Boker - Ben Gurion), collaborating also with orchestra (Les carnaval des animaux with Bicocca University Orchestra).

In November 2023 the duo won the First Prize at the "Oltregiogo Piano Competition" International Competition in Gavi (AL), in Giune 2024 the Second Prize at "Recondite Armonie" International Piano Competition in Grosseto (GR) and in July 2024 the First Absolute Prize at "Villa Oliva" Piano Competition (VA).

Check out some info about us and our favorite snapshots over the years!

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Have a look at our repertoire and at some video we resembled.