Design and Theory of Deep Graph Learning

Special Session @ IEEE IJCNN 2025

Design and Theory of Deep Graph Learning is a special session at the 2025 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), which will be held in Rome, Italy, June 30 - July 5, 2025.

Important Dates

Paper Submissions: January 15th, 2025 January 30th, 2025
Paper Acceptance Notifications: March 31, 2025
Conference: June 30 - July 5, 2024

Call for papers

Graph structures allow to represent structured/complex data with entities and their relationships. These data structures naturally characterize a wide range of problems, including the areas of bio/chemistry (e.g. (macro-)molecules, proteins, biological networks), natural language processing (e.g. strings and parse trees), social network analysis (e.g. link prediction, object identification), information dissemination on social networks (temporal/dynamics graphs), and epidemiological studies (graph agent-based models).

In general, graphs offer an extremely flexible tool to describe directly and effectively the relationships between data items that can be lost by the ”flat” (vector) representations used by traditional Machine Learning (ML) and Neural Networks (NNs) tools. The extension of ML/NNs to graph domains makes it possible to address, in a systematic and general way, this variety of problems with data-driven approaches. By being able to deal with the inherent nature of structured data, learning models are endowed with a formidable capability and flexibility to address new domains and to improve accuracy and efficiency in solving complex problems. However, there are still many open points and challenges for basic and applied research, as the research in ML/NNs for graphs generalizes in a non-obvious way theoretical and modeling issues already mature in vector domains.

This special session at IJCNN 2025 aims to bring together cutting-edge research and new ideas in deep learning for graphs, addressing open challenges and advancing both theoretical and practical perspectives. Despite rapid progress, this field continues to present unique challenges—such as model generalization, structure learning, and the adaptation of methods developed for vector spaces to graph domains. 


This session seeks to serve as a key gathering for researchers to discuss both foundational developments and innovative applications within the expanding domain of graph-based deep learning. We invite papers that present advances in model design, structure learning, graph kernels, and graph stream processing, alongside theoretical insights, benchmarks, and impactful applications across disciplines. This session offers an exceptional opportunity for researchers to share insights, highlight emerging applications, and set new directions for the future of machine learning on graphs. Topics of interest to this session include, but are not limited to:

Submission Instructions

Session Organisers

For any enquire, please write to domenico [dot] tortorella [at] phd [dot] unipi [dot] it or  davide [dot] rigoni [dot] 1 [at] unipd [dot] it