Data Science, Journalism & Media

@ KDD 2018

August 20, 2018 - London, UK


Today’s media and news organizations increasingly deliver the majority of their content online. Across the entire lifecycle of digital content, the opportunities for using automated data-driven approaches to support investigation, knowledge discovery, and human decision-making seem myriad. Computational approaches can govern content creation planning, content production, and the promotion and distribution of that content to different audiences. Data science-facilitated journalism promises to bring a more objective perspective on reported issues of public interest, and the analysis of media content on a large scale can shed light on content biases and inspire more balanced news coverage. This is a particularly exciting time, given that the increasing accessibility and adoption of machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision has reduced the barriers to working with and unlocking additional value from digitized content.

At the same time, the combination of automation with digital media data has sparked many controversies. Cambridge Analytica admitted earlier this year to having used 50 million facebook profiles for political micro-targeting in a U.S. Presidential Campaign. Fake news and filter bubbles are blamed for political, social, and economic unrest and have caused a crisis in trust in the news industry. This all occurs against a backdrop of upheaval, as traditional publishing revenue streams falter and media outlets struggle to adjust their business models.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together a community of researchers and practitioners who study problems at the intersection of data science, journalism, and digital media, spanning from data-driven content creation, analysis, and dissemination to the consequences of social media on the perception of news. We hope you will join us in busy London, UK at the upcoming KDD Data Science, Journalism & Media Workshop!

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