Semiconductor Interface Physics Lab.

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Explore the forefront of Interface study on novel semiconductor materials with us. We're dedicated to advancing these fields through the discovery of new materials, understanding the electronic properties at the interface, and applying cutting-edge technology such as solar cells, light-emitting devices, and transistors. Join us in our mission to comprehend the electronic properties of novel materials and drive future advancements in electronic devices.

Advancements in electronics and optoelectronics

Developments of new materials have consistently driven progress in (opto-)eletronics

Exploration of novel semiconductor materials and interface design

Enhancing our understanding of material interfaces can improve the electronic properties and expand the application of the materials. Additionally, it can bring out the advantages of each material

Characterization of interfaces

We employ photoelectron spectroscopy to understand the electronic properties of the interface system and search for a way of manipulating the energy level alignment at the interface

and Materials application

Based on our understanding, we expand the way of manipulating the energy level alignment at the interface and apply it to device technology, e.g. solar cells, light emitting devices, and transistors.