About me

I am a second-year PhD student in Operations Research at Georgia Tech ISyE, advised by Dr. Juba Ziani. My research interests lie at the intersection of mathematics, economics and computer science. I am currently working on problems in privacy and fairness, using tools from game theory, mechanism design, optimization and probability theory. I also have a new-found interest in approximation algorithms for combinatorial problems. 

Earlier, I graduated with a major in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Outside of work, I watch a lot of cricket and tennis. I also have a thing for WWII stories and memorabilia. I spend a lot of my free time watching movies/documentaries on war history and reading accounts from veterans who have experienced the horrors of war at close quarters.  


[05 Apr, 2024] I presented my research on differential privacy at the ISyE PhD student seminar !

[14 Feb, 2024] New paper out ! Check out the preprint here.

[15 Oct, 2023] I presented my research on two-sided data markets at the ISyE PhD student seminar and INFORMS !

[29 Oct, 2022] I gave a talk on our work on "Discriminatory Pricing in Smart Grids" at IIT Delhi. (Link)

[24 Mar, 2022] I will be joining GaTech ISyE for a PhD in Operations Research in Fall 2022. I have also been awarded the prestigious Stewart Fellowship to support my graduate studies during the first academic year. 
