Blog Guidelines

  1. General Rules

    1. The blogs are distinguished in two categories.

      1. Technical Blogs

        1. Theoretical Information

        2. Practical Tutorials

        3. Comparison of Technologies

        4. Review of new technologies

        5. Personal work with a particular technology

        6. Any other format of blog writing in the realms of technology

      2. Non Technical Blogs

        1. Soft Skills

        2. Professional Experience (Interviews/ Startup/ Industry Experience)

        3. Guidance and Motivation

    2. Submission Instructions

      1. All applicants must have an account on Medium.

      2. Applicants must use Google Docs for the blog write up.

      3. Once completed, switch the “shareable link” option ON along with commenter access for the Doc.

      4. Visit our website “”.

      5. Go to “Blogs” and fill the google form. (It will required the link to your google doc)

      6. Paste the link for the google Doc (with only commenter access) in the google form and submit.

      7. Submissions would be accepted one month prior to the blog posting date.

  1. Plagiarism

      1. DSC GHRCE shall deal strictly with plagiarism.

      2. Note more than 15% plagiarism would not be acceptable.

      3. In case of plagiarism being detected, applicants shall be given one chance to rephrase the blog and resubmit the blog within 7 days.

      4. Incase of quoting / taking references from some resources mention proper credits and provide the reference links.

  1. Acceptance/Rejection

      1. DSC GHRCE reserves the right to Accept or Reject the blog submitted by the applicant.

      2. Reasons for rejection may be stated to the applicant upon applicant’s request to state the same.

      3. If the blog is accepted by DSC GHRCE the applicant shall be contacted via email within fifteen days of blog submission.

      4. Feel free to contact

  1. Amendments

    1. DSC GHRCE has the right to amend “DSC GHRCE blog Guidelines”.

    2. A rule can be added/ removed/ amended without prior notice if more than fifty percent of the core team members vote in favor of the motion.

    3. Each applicant associated with DSC GHRCE BLOG PROGRAM shall follow these guidelines formulated by the DSC GHRCE at all times.