How to Prevent Dryer Vent and Chimney Fires

Every year, there are incidents of about a large number of household fires caused by dry vent fires and chimney fires. That’s the reason why you need to know what causes dry vent fires and what is the importance of dryer vent cleaning in Sacramento.
These fires can damage your home’s structural integrity and even can risk a life. Both these fires can be very destructive for homes and people. However, fires caused by chimney mishandling often lead to more damaging repercussions.

In this blog, we will know the reasons why these fires occur and what can be done to prevent these fires.

Dryer vent fires:
The build-up of lint in vents, ducts, and filters is the leading cause of dry vent fires. Since the lint is highly flammable, it tends to accumulate in your dry exhaust system and dryer. This buildup grows over time and causes the dryer to work harder per load than it needs. This lint comes as a result of dirt and other elements that settle once is washing is done. Because of this lint accumulation, a dry vent fire occurs.

Here are some things you need to take care of to prevent dry fires:

  • If there is lint build-up in a dryer, your dryer will start to work less efficiently. Its functionality will get affected as the dryer will take much longer to dry the clothes thoroughly.

  • The dryer will work so hard to point that it will get overheated when it’s in operation.

  • The other sign that tells you dryer has the buildup of lint is your clothes will feel too warm after they come out of the dryer.

  • The flow of air coming out of the vent flapper will become less.

  • You will feel a burnt smell besides humidity in the laundry room.

Scheduling regular dry vent cleaning is useful to prevent dry vent fire. chimney sweep. The job of cleaning lint should be left to the professional as they are trained to clean it completely.

What causes Chimeny fire?
Dirty chimneys are the main cause of chimney fires. That’s why many Chimney sweep professionals emphasize the importance of
chimney cleaning in Sacramento. If the flue holds Creosote buildup, it is likely to cause fire as this tar-like substance is highly ignitable. If your chimney is connected very near to the cooktop, it might also catch fire due to dirt build-up.

This buildup begins to settle more and more, resulting in large quantities of buildup. As a result, the chimney flue will experience a very hot temperature, which could result in a chimney fire.

How chimney fires can be prevented?
For preventing chimney fires, it’s important to never allow the creosote to build up in the first place. Your chimney will not catch fire if it is clean.
Contact a certified CSIA chimney sweep professional for regular inspections and cleaning of your chimney annually. Another reason to hire certified professionals is that they are well versed with chimney issues and will recognize existing issues before they cause significant problems.