Sharon Stoerger Ph.D.

Sharon Stoerger, PhD, MLIS, MBA

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Sharon Stoerger, Ph.D. is the Assistant Dean for Programs and Assessment in the School of Communication and Information (SC&I) at Rutgers. She is the former director of the Information Technology and Informatics (ITI) program at SC&I and co-founder of the Women in Technology and Informatics (WITI) student organization.

Dr. Stoerger's research areas of interest include computer-mediated communication, social informatics, and educational uses of emerging technologies. These research areas intersect with her efforts to create effective and inclusive learning environments for students via online and blended teaching approaches, as well as the implementation of flexible course delivery modes. ASIS&T, EDUCAUSE, the eLearning Forum Asia, and Online EDUCA Berlin are examples of conferences where Dr. Stoerger has presented work on these topics. During the past year, she has presented on the topics of advanced competitive intelligence methods, online learning, and assessment professional competencies. Further, she has written several articles and book chapters on the educational uses of technologies such as social media, virtual worlds, and mobile devices.