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Recent News

Latest Publication: D. Kumar, S. Dutta, H.A. Illias, “Streamlining Fault Classification of Dissolved Gases in Transformer using Data Synthesis and Dimension Reduction”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2024, Accepted for publication (Q2, SCIE, IF: 3.1) 

Organizing Special Session at IECON-2024, Chicago, USA

Presented paper at I-PACT 2023, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Post Doctoral Research Fellow in High Voltage Engineering at University of Malaya 

Postdoc with Expertise in High Voltage Engineering

As a dedicated postdoctoral researcher at a globally acclaimed university, my expertise in high voltage engineering, complemented by a robust publication history in esteemed journals and conferences, drives innovative solutions to advance the forefront of scientific exploration and technological progress.

People who made me

"Great teachers don't just impart knowledge; they ignite a lifelong love for learning, inspire dreams, and shape futures." 

"Parents: the unsung heroes, the architects of support, and the eternal wellspring of love and guidance in the symphony of life." 

 Work Memories

Most Memorable Trip with Sir


At NATFOE 2022 with Prof. S. Chakravorti

Call or WhatsApp me at +60 1116149586

Email me at dr.saurabh.ee@gmail.com
