
Course Outline

Assignment Guidelines

Class participation 1 Report

Class participation 2 Report

Presentation Evaluation Form

Group Marks Allocation Form


Topics and Readings

Topic PowerPoint: Introduction to Emerging Markets

Reading: OECD Guidelines for Multinationals  * ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) * APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Mercosur * COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) * ECOWAS (Economic Council of West African States) * Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso (Leave Ecowas) * Pacific Island Countries * Landmines paper

Topic PowerPoint: Bottom of the Pyramid

Reading: How much inequality is too much? * Better Life index * World Bank Country Classification *  Worldbank: Low income countries  * Fragile States Index

Topic PowerPoint: Unfair Trade Practices

Reading: The Colonial Pact (CFA Frank) * CFA: BBC * CFA --> ECO * Basel Convention *  Migration due to CFA: BBC * Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIM) * Bank Capital to Assets Ratio (World Bank) * Canadian Fair Trade of Network * Freedom House * E-Petition * The Trade  * Queen tax  * Fair Trade University * Map

Video: Business of Scholarship

Topic PowerPoint: Genetically Modified Foods

Reading: HDI * How Long Will You Live? * WHO Funding

Topic PowerPoint: Misleading Marketing

Reading: Better Business Bureau (BBB) * Government Consumer Protection * C-section Babies  * Labelling in India

Video: Food Ad Tricks 3:00

Topic PowerPoint: Islamic Banking 

Reading: Assiniboine Credit Union 

Topic PowerPoint: Microfinance

Reading: Securitization Microfinance

Topic PowerPoint: Corporate Philanthropy

Reading: Why Microsoft Gives * Google $1b in Africa * Official Development Assistance (ODA) * Legislative Internship * Foreign Aid * Association of Fundraising Professionals * Fundraising Software * Burkina Faso Investment Proposal  

Topic PowerPoint: Governments Relations 

Reading: Commitment to Development Index (Center of Global Development) * AGOA (Africa Growth Opportunity Act) * Military Factory * Balkan Arm Trade * Rules of War

Topic PowerPoint: International Business Diplomacy

Reading: Vienna Convention (The document for diplomats) * Diplomat Protocol * UNDSS * UN Security courses (Basic I Advanced) * Foreign representatives in Canada * Registration for Canadians abroad * UN organ * UN voting pattern

Topic PowerPoint: United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

Reading: Transparency International * Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (US) * Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Canada) * OECD Anti-Corruption Initiatives * ILO Convention on Minimum Age 138 * UN Global Compact (UNGC 2007) * Millennium Development Goals (MDG) * Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) * Carbon Calculator * Sample Collective Agreements * Environmental Technology Assessment (EnTA)* North Korean workers in China

Topic PowerPoint: Tourism in Emerging Markets

Reading: World Heritage Site Selection Criteria * Tourism and Sports Paper * World Heritage Site (WHS) Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) * WHS in danger * Dolphin Happiness * Over tourism: No cruise in Venice * Over tourism: No Airbnb in Venice and Florence * Elephants Hunting Rights on Sale  * Protecting Gorillas * Lion Breeding Ban * UNESCO Palestine Embroidery * UNESCO Spain's Social Life * Zimbabwe safari train *  Bhutan tourism - $200/day Underwater fashion show in Egypt  * Saudi Tourist Visa  * Bollywood Films

Video: Keukenhof 2:14

Topic PowerPoint: FDI and Citizenship

Reading: Passport and Economy * Passport Index: Visa Free Travel * UN Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) * Birthright Citizenship * Birth Tourism in the USA * CIP Controversy * Citizenship in Argentina * Australian Golden  Visa

Topic PowerPoint: Luxury Marketing

Research Resources

If applicable, use the free CAT Scanner Software for Content Analysis for your group assignment.

* CAT Scanner

* Library Resources

Use plenty of images to prove your point in your project report, if applicable. Each image should have attribution and full url.

Emerging Markets groups, members and emails

@ = @webmail.uwinnipeg.ca

(Collect pictures, advertisements, secondary data to analyze and support your hypotheses) 

EM Group 1 topic:

EM individual presentation dates

EM Final Home Exam Topic (Collect pictures, advertisements, secondary data to analyze and support your hypotheses)

Exam Topic

Name: topic