International Strategy
for Disaster Risk Reduction Initiative
@ GGI Tohoku universitY


Eight years have passed since the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) was adopted by the United Nations Member States as one of the three major global agendas in 2015, the world has been facing more diverse and complex threats such as infectious diseases, conflicts, and disparities including poverty.  However, the SFDRR's "pre-disaster investment in DRR" and "Build Back Better", which are the fundamental basis of Japan's development philosophy, are also imperative for not only DRR but also Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate change countermeasures, and there is a growing need to further strengthen its practice.

Tohoku University has been actively applying knowledge gained from disaster science to the actual betterment of our society including the regional recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake.  At our Green Goals Initiative, we are collaborating externally with other universities and relevant organizations in and out of Japan, and also internally with the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) and other departments of Tohoku University to formulate international DRR strategies and practices.  To this end, we will promote sharing and co-creating knowledge and information archives that will have substantial impacts on international DRR policy implementation and decision making, and global transdisciplinary DRR practitioner education.  We will continue to use and enhance the circle/platform among like-minded DRR needing countries and entities such as the World BOSAI Forum where various people from industry, government, and academia can participate.  By interconnecting those various actors, we will concretely contribute to the global DRR including the SFDRR mid-term review and the discussion towards the next framework.

国連の場で三大アジェンダの一つとして仙台防災枠組(SFDRR)が採択されてから8年が経過し、感染症や紛争の脅威は高まり、貧困等の格差拡大など、世界はさらに多様で複雑な課題に直面しています。しかし、仙台防災枠組の「事前防災投資」や「よりよい復興(Build Back Better)」といった、日本の開発理念にも通底する考え方は、防災だけでなく持続可能な開発(SDGs)や気候変動対策(パリ協定)の観点からもさらに重要になっており、より一層実践強化する必要が高まっています。



Kozo Nagami
永見 光三

Specially Appointed Professor

Further information

In order to reduce losses from disasters, the most important thing is to make efforts to minimize disaster risks on a daily basis.  Though it is important to enhance the disaster response and adaptation capacity of individuals and communities against disaster, structural measures as the whole society should play the greatest role in the developing countries.  In Japan and other developed countries, historical accumulation of disaster risk reduction investment against high-frequency and low-intensity hazard exposures is considerable.  However, many developing countries have entered a period of rapid economic growth without either historical or simultaneous proper disaster risk reduction efforts, and such gap has been expanded further in the development.  During over 28 years of practical experience working for JICA's development programs and projects before joining Tohoku University, I have seen such dilemma everywhere in the developing countries.  Therefore, the biggest research and education challenge is to steadily correct this situation, even with small increments.  I would like to establish a methodology and logic for that purpose.

Daisuke Komori
小森 大輔

Specially Appointed Professor

Further information

Water is the most abundant substance on the earth, the principal constituent of all living things, and a major force constantly shaping the surface of the earth. It is also a key factor in air-conditioning the earth for human existence and in influencing the progress of civilization. Changes in the distribution, circulation, or temperature of the earth’s waters can have far-reaching effects; the ice ages, for instance, were a manifestation of such effects. Changes may be caused by human activities, in particular, since the latter half of the 20th century. People cultivate the soil, irrigate crops, fertilize the land, clear forests, pump groundwater, build dams, dump wastes into rivers and lakes, and do many other constructive or destructive things that affect the circulation and quality of water in nature. Besides, an expanding population and a rapidly growing economy especially in Asia and Africa are hindering sustainability on the globe.

Our studies and challenges have been focused on solving the world water issuers by understanding water circulation, along with the following subjects: (1) Impact assessment on the hydrological change under the changing climate and the land use change at a global and local scale; (2) Mechanism of slope failure and wood debris by torrential rains; (3) Socio-hydrology: trade-offs between urban flood resilience and urbanisation; (4) Numerical study on water pollution in the inundation areas; (5) Long-term heat, vapour and carbon dioxide fluxes observation for an impact assessment on the interaction between land and atmosphere. 

Furthermore, the following inter-/trans-disciplinary research has been focused on achieving local sustainability: (6) Understanding requirements for sustainability of community-based programs; (7) Value-based co-creation of technology and lifestyle for a society based on a virtuous materials cycle.


Members and research topics in 2023

Komori Laboratory

[Doctoral dessertation]

[Master's thesis]

Members and research topics in 2022

Komori Laboratory

[Doctoral dessertation]

[Master's thesis]

[Bachelor's thesis]

Members and research topics in 2021

Komori Laboratory

[Master's thesis]

[Bachelor's thesis]

Members and research topics in 2020

Komori Laboratory

[Master's thesis]

[Bachelor's thesis]

Members and research topics in 2019

Komori Laboratory

[Doctoral dessertation]

[Master's thesis]

[Bachelor's thesis]

Members and research topics in 2018

Komori Laboratory

[Doctoral dessertation]

[Master's thesis]

[Bachelor's thesis]

Members and research topics in 2017

Komori Laboratory

[Doctoral dessertation]

[Master's thesis]

[Bachelor's thesis]

Members and research topics in 2016

Komori Laboratory

[Master's thesis]

[Bachelor's thesis]

Members and research topics in 2015

Komori Laboratory

[Master's thesis]

[Bachelor's thesis]

How to join our team?/国際防災戦略イニシアティブ研究室に興味がある研究者・学生はこちら。

Current open positions

Note: We currently don’t have funding for additional Postdoc and PhD positions. However, we can welcome Postdoc if you have a fellowship. Students must have a scholarship or be self-funded. We are happy to support you after you apply to our group.

Application to Postdoc position

If you want to join us as a posdoc, please email us first. Also, we can chat about the possibility of applying to a fellowship:

For international postdoc: You can apply to the JSPS International Fellowship. Please contact to us at least two months before the JSPS deadline of JSPS.

For Japanese postdoc: Please consider applying to JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship. Please contact to us in advance if you are applying for the fellowship.

Application to PhD and Master courses

If you are interested in working with us as a PhD or master student, please consider apply to the Graduate School of Environmental Studies (GSES), Tohoku University.

International Student Program at Graduate School of Environmental Studies

If you are non-Japanese and living outside in Japan, please apply to the international scholarship program of GSES through IESLP (International Environmental Security Leadership Program). The information on applicable scholarships and application timings are shown in the IESLP webpage. Typical examples of applicable scholarships are:

Entrance exam to Graduate School of Environmental Studies

If you are Japanese (or Foreigner living in Japan), please take entrance exam of Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University. The entrance exam is held in late February and August every year.

Info in Japanese

国際防災戦略イニシアティブ究室に修士/博士学生として加わりたい場合は、東北大学大学院環境科学研究科 環境・地理群 大学院入試を受験 してください。研究室見学は随時受け付けています。



Contact Info

468-1, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-0845, JAPAN

daisuke.komori.e8 [at]
