However, Bootstrap does add built-in support for most standard keyboard menu interactions, such as the ability to move through individual .dropdown-item elements using the cursor keys and close the menu with the ESC key.

I need to trigger an action based off of a dropdown selection. We want to use the dropdown column instead of status because we have more than 40 clients and our goal is to create an item on a connected board when a ticket is requested for each client.


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Right now I have to go in to each form submission and re-select the dropdown selection manually for it to be recognized as a change for the automation to trigger. This is very time consuming as we receive 50+ form submissions per day.

Agreed!! I am using the dropdown column to create a form and want to set an automation to assign a person when a specific dropdown is selected. Would like to have 'When dropdown is _" as a custom automation option.

You can specify different values for selected text, and selected form values by adding data-text or data-value to any item. This is useful if you include additional data, like icons, that you want to appear only inside the dropdown menu.

As a third option, you can include a wrapper around your select so that it will appear correctly on page load, but will then populate the hidden menu when Javascript fires. In this case, the select element does not receive the ui dropdown class.

The theme.css is found in the theme module i think. i've not really used it.

You can also inject it in a style class which will still work on every dropdown.

If you arent used to css or dont not really gonna use it that often this should work for now.

Choosing it as dropdown style has no effect.

The way this css works will cause it to apply to all dropdowns in the project. No matter what styleclass they have. So you dont have to apply it to any of them specifically

The .dropdown-content class holds the actual dropdown content. It is hidden by default, and will be displayed on hover (see below). Note the min-width is set to 160px. Feel free to change this. Tip: If you want the width of the dropdown content to be as wide as the dropdown button, set the width to 100% (and overflow:auto to enable scroll on small screens).

Edit: to anyone looking to do this themselves without waiting for built in support, add this to your css file with the caveat that this probably will break if IA change any of the css rule names along the path to the dropdown options modal:

Long-term, you should probably place this style rule into a dropdown.css file in a directory you have placed yourself, something like themes/StyleOverrides/dropdown.css (no need to copy the existing dropdown.css file). Then modify light.css to look like this:

For #1 - I recommend searching google for examples like "bootstrap 3 multi level dropdown" there you can find things you can try on your Hub Site. In doing such a search, I found this example which is likely a good place to start

On the second dropdown use the :filtered function on the Choices source and in the filtered contraint call the first dropdown value.

For example Search for Blends:filtered then add the constraint Type = Abrasive type_input's value

I have sheet's with multiple dropdown columns on sheet that have restricted values. All these sheets feed other sheets with formulas so it is important to have consistency on inputting correct info on dropdown columns.

This is used as source sheet with over 2000 rows of information. I would like to know a method of checking each dropdown to make sure all cell's comply to restricted values. Or how to find the one's that don't?

This will flag any row that has something in the dropdown column that is not in the Allowed column. You can sort/filter, automate alerts/update requests, conditional formatting, reports, etc all based on this flag column.

I have a dropdown that takes an array of values and labels from a query. But I want to be able to type in a custom value in some cases. So I ticked the Allow custom values checkbox in the dropdown settings - but it still won't "take" a custom value that is typed in, after pressing enter or taking the focus away from the dropdown element.

We definitely need to add the same Allow user defined values functionality to the dropdown, at the moment the best workaround is to set the values array to something like [1,2,3].concat(select1.searchValue) which would add the searchValue (the user input) to the array of options to select.

We've now update the dropdown component to have the same "Allow custom values" functionality that the multiselect has! When this is selected, you can type any input into the dropdown and have that appended as another option when selected.

@alex-w Hi, Alex. How to distinguish whether the value is custom or coming from mapped value?

I created at custom script where I need to check options value from dropdown. If the value is coming from query e.g. "id" then I'm gonna trigger API A, when the value is custom, then I'm gonna trigger API B.


For some reason (this only happened recently), my subtasks are not visible below my main tasks via a dropdown arrow. As you can see from the image below, the top example has x2 subtasks but the dropdown arrow is missing?

I have created a data variable for Customers that might be useful loading the dropdown field of the customer in the sales order as you see the image below. I tried to figure it out from the documentation but have hard times.

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You have the right idea in the first dropdown, but using a formula breaks the two-way binding. So your selection does not actually propagate to data.NewDeposit.who. If you set the binding type to Data variable value it looks like it should work correctly.

Trying to work around this by setting pagevar to the filtered values and labels, it says the page variable, even being a list of objects with the same two properties, is not assignable to the options list of the dropdown

Since the options I want to show are of a fixed number, I also tried assigning pick_item on the labels in options list, but to no avail. The list shows up empty. The only workaround currently functional to me is assigning all input fields to app variables and triggering a replace-page action so that the dropdown is always accessible to the user (always as if for the first time, since the first time is the only time it works). The other option would be to set the dropdown to invisible after input and some other field visible but if the user needed to change the selection s/he would probably need to re-load the page anyway. Help would be appreciated!

In a dashboard I have a dropdown menu populated from a inputlookup CSV file. I have more then 1500 entries in that table. I want to be able to select a particular choice from the dropdown but also to be able to put a wildcard to get multiple choices from that table.

Hi @usernamejpblais ,

You cannot generate a wildcard value for a dropdown list, or a multichoice box, or a radio button (at least not with the standard Splunk simple XML format, advanced javascript/html is probably beyond the scope of your question). You can have a text box input that you can take the results from and put a wildcard after it.

For your use case, however, I would recommend NOT using a dropdown box because your list of options is very large. Dropdown lists make more sense for lists that are somewhere in the range of a few choices to maybe a couple of dozen. Anything more than that becomes a hassle to search and use.

There are other options. You could split the choices into two options:

First X characters (maybe 3 or 4 in your case) which filters to only items starting with those first 3 or 4 characters, and then a second dropdown that will provide results for all the values that start with the first 4 characters provided in the first box.

I think you may need to use the Prefix and Suffix to add the quotes around the selected value. The way it is now, it is probably treating $sel_TX$ as a string. In the config for the dropdown, add a " as the prefix and a " as the suffix, then remove from your search around the $sel_TX$.

Could you elaborate a bit more? Now that you've created the dropdown, the list is too long? The only option here would be to revisit your list of values and group some of them, then adjusting the property.

Also, multiple checkboxes would not be the most suitable field type here, in my opinion. I'd recommend using "Dropdown select" as a field type. That way, a long list will not make the form long, too. It would be hidden within a dropdown field. 17dc91bb1f

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