Delivering large files or collections of files to colleagues and clients is a challenge. While sharing through Dropbox is great for collaboration, sometimes you want to just hand off files without having to worry about permissions, ongoing access, and storage.

I'm trying to use my Dropbox Plus account to backup some large folders on one of my hard drives however I can't seem to get it to sync effectively. These folders will be updated regularly so I need them to actually sync.

Dropbox Download Zip File Too Large


I'm using Windows 11 and some of these folders have many subfolders with everything organised, while others have minimal subfolders but the main folder contains a few thousand files. I have a fast PC (the folders in question are on an NVMe SSD) and a very stable, fast internet connection.

When I tried uploading the folders to it will upload a certain amount of files then stop and I can't work out how to add more files efficiently, I don't want to be adding them a few at a time as I will almost certainly miss some. I also realised that this way isn't actually syncing the folders the weay I want.

What I want to know is how can I set up dropbox to sync my folders that contain files amounting to over 50GB so that it doesn't hit this upload limit without also changing my my file structure (which is integral to how one of the programs I use needs these files organised). Some of the files I want to sync are organised into subfolders so they could potentially be done bit by bit but how would I best go about this?

If the file you want to upload is larger than 50 GB, we suggest downloading the Dropbox desktop app on your computer and uploading it from there. You could also compress the file to reduce the size to less than 50 GB and then upload it via

I have a full backup of all my webfiles that sites @ just over 1GB. After the initial upload of 1GB, everytime it syncs will dropbox figure out the delta of the file, or will it have to upload the entire thing again to version it?

It's also important to highlight that it doesn't upload your whole file at once when you change it. For example, if you have an unique file weighting 2GB, let's say for an encrypted disk drive you hold (like when you use truecrypt or pgpdisk), and you change just a couple of files inside the encrypted disk, dropbox will only upload the blocks that effectively changed. So, for instance, if you upload your pgpdisk file with 2GB to dropbox, and then you change just let's say 100MB of this 2GB, dropbox will be intelligent enough to detect and update only what have changed. So you don't waste your upload bandwidth uploading stuff that is already there.

Another feature that I saw the dropbox team is working on is to make dropbox to detect another instances of dropbox running on your local network, and sync the information in between them. For example, you have a laptop and a desktop, and both have the same dropbox account, and you update your files on your desktop - and the desktop instantly syncs with the "cloud" - when you plug your laptop in, instead of going to the cloud, dropbox will instead download the diff directly from your desktop computer, and won't waste your download bandwidth. This is still to come - but will be a sweet feature!

Dropbox works with symbolic links, I have verified it with various files which works flawlessly. I am currently uploading 500GB usb drive via symbolic links to my local dropbox folder via the Client app on my mac. I noticed that my USB drive didn't allow me to create new folders or symbolic link until I took ownership of it (its formatted with Mac OS Journled) and its enclosed items.

rclone copy dropbox:/ "boxapi:/User Folders/"" --dropbox-impersonate " "--transfers 25 --no-update-modtime --ignore-checksum --size-only --checkers 30 --max-backlog 300000 --no-traverse --dropbox-batch-mode sync --exclude-from exclude.txt -vP

Dropbox is very fussy about transactions per second - most people recommend --tpslimit 12 which will limit you to 12 transactions per second - that might be 12 files per second. If you exceed the limits with dropbox it sends punitively long timeouts to rclone which slow things down much more than --tpslimit 12. Note --tpslimit will apply to source and destination so this might not be exactly the right number (you could try double).

I've been testing with having either box or dropbox or both mounted - it doesn't seem to help much (except manage to build up a local cache which makes sense) will continue testing before I go down too many rabbit holes

going back to basics, just re original sanity check - is there anything I'm missing here in terms of comparing a massive number of files? in most cases (I'm doing many individual users) I know that the initial sync isn't complete - I am basically replicating the settings I'm using on a different box account local (smb) to box and it seems like it can handle checking hundreds of thousands of files much faster - and DOWNLOADING dropbox shouldn't really throttle me - and I know when I use mount it certainly fills up the dropbox vfs cache quick.

copy dropbox:/ box:/ --check-first --tpslimit 10 --tpslimit-burst 10 --check-first --max-size 4.9G --dropbox-impersonate XXXXXX --transfers 20 --log-file XXXX-transfer.log --no-update-modtime --fast-list --ignore-checksum --size-only --checkers 30 --no-traverse --dropbox-batch-mode sync --exclude-from exclude.txt

If it was synchronizing the notes I had just modified, neither of them are large. They're each 153 lines of text according to Tools > Statistics (5,883 characters -- no media files and just plain, straight up text sans any formatting. Both notes are identical but stored in different notebooks.

If it is not referring to this note, how can I tell which note it is synchronizing and thinks is too large? I really do not have very many large notes of any kind. There are a few with a handful of images or PDF files in them, but none that are particularly large.

The support person said something about FAT32 and upload files sizes, I am not particularly technical but it sounds rubbish to me, the files sit on the drive perfectly fine and other dropbox integrations seem to work okay.

I can set up a zap in google sheets where I paste the dropbox link and convert it to a direct download link, and then have gmail send the attached files through a zap, but if the files are too large, nothing will attach and I have no way to know there was an issue.

P2P-based file replication and sync solution helps organizations that work with big files or a large number of files perform remote work, disaster recovery, software updates, and more. Our software is used by media agencies, post-production professionals, and large companies such as Turner Sports, Skywalker Sound, Wargaming, Mercedes Benz, and more.

Plus, if a connection is interrupted, Dropbox requires the sender to resend the entire file. Resilio intelligently detects where the transfer left off and automatically reinitiates delivery when the connection is restored. When transferring very large files, this can be a big time saver.

As previously mentioned, larger files and larger numbers of files will take more time to upload and download. Even with remote differential compression, if there are several file changes and the changes are large, sync speed will be impacted.

Resilio is a superior sync solution for distributed teams working with large files and large numbers of files. Its P2P transfer architecture and WAN optimization provide faster transfer, optimized network usage, and enhanced scalability.

The reason:

What I'm trying to achieve is to upload a file into Dropbox via Fusion's HTTP connection.

Dropbox's API has an endpoint "/upload" which suits for file under 150MB.

For larger file (as it is in my case) they suggest to use combination of 3 endpoints:

She would like to store a unified folder structure of her work, but some of her files are too big. She wouldn't like to store them separately, but doesn't mind if they're not uploaded to dropbox. In fact, she prefers that they won't be uploaded so they don't clog up her space.

Other features you may want to look for is the ability to watch any folder, which you might be able to use in conjunction with your file system to create a limited set of folders to sync. Another one that might help is excluding certain file extensions, this would help if all the large files are of the same type (e.g. .exe, .avi, etc.).

It works great for me. Just make a junction from a source folder inside dropbox to a target folder that is outside of dropbox. Despite what the dropbox support team says this method works. I got it going on a windows server right now.

And here comes the question: how do I send large files via Dropbox to make better collaboration? If you are looking for solutions, you can keep reading the following content that shows you 4 simple methods to send large files on Dropbox. After reading, you can choose the most convenient one for yourself.

In this section, 4 solutions are provided for your reference. You can send large files via the Dropbox web app, desktop app, mobile app, and a professional service - MultCloud. Now, you can read the following content to learn the detailed steps.

Step 3: Then you can set up permissions by clicking the downward arrow. Next, type the email address in the box to press the Share file button. In this way, the large file can be sent successfully. If you are wondering how to send large video files via Dropbox, you can follow the same way.

I am pretty sure @wim is correct that if you deleted dropbox that its files were deleted. I have found that powering down and back up (not just going to sleep and waking up) seems to trigger some sort of cleanup / garbage collection.


Regarding file transfer from Telegram to DropBox when i was trying to transfer large files (Videos) a message appeared (400 large file), Is there any way to transfer large files?

I am willing to upgrade if that possible because i need it for my business.

thanks in advance. ff782bc1db

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