Note: Paper folders are only available to people on the old release of Dropbox Paper. The new 2020 release of Dropbox Paper allows you to keep your Paper docs in regular Dropbox folders. Learn more about the 2020 release of Dropbox Paper.

By default, the Dropbox folder is located in your user folder. If you moved your Dropbox folder, or if you connected a work and personal, it may be located elsewhere or have a name other than "Dropbox." You can programmatically find the folder path through a JSON file.

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You can automatically create a back up of key folders stored on your computer in your Dropbox account. After the initial backup, any changes you make to those folders or their contents will be automatically updated on your computer and your Dropbox folder.

Options provided will be Files added to a folder are saved as PDFs, Files added to a folder are unzipped, Files added to a folder are tagged*, Files added to a folder are saved as images, Files added to a folder are saved as videos, and Files saved to a folder are sorted based on category.

Automated folders can be shared the same as any other folder. The folder automation will remain for anyone the folder is shared with. Once an automated folder has been shared with someone, they will see notation that the folder is automated as well as which automation option was selected.

I have only been able to find examples opposite of my situation so I apologize if this is frequently asked.

Basically, I have around 200gb + and counting everyday of files in a shared company Dropbox with our work emails. I made the mistake of downloading the app and syncing the files to my Mac before realizing what I had done. Since then I have signed out from the application and uninstalled it but still have the Dropbox folder of everything (I believe up to that day) on my computer. 

Am I safe to delete this folder now that I have deleted the application? I want to make sure it doesn't remove all of the shared files from the company dropbox that others need. The folder on my hard drive says it was last modified over a couple weeks ago which I believe is when I un-synced the application, and there have been things posted to dropbox since then. I appreciate any help or insight I can get here, thanks.

It turns out my computer was still linked! I must not have logged out properly before uninstalling. Thank you for providing me with that link. After removing my computer from the device list, I'm assuming I'm good to delete the folder now. Thanks for your help here in resolving this.

You can sign out of the app using the steps mentioned here. Once you do that, you should be set to delete your Dropbox folder (just make sure all of your content has been synced and updated on the web).

I cant seem to find a straight answer for this, please help! I joined a team last year that had a shared dropbox account, and I used my team's credentials to login to the dropbox account on my MacBook. I am no longer with the team, however the dropbox files are still showing on my hard drive. I have since logged out of this team account using the dropbox icon on the menu bar, however I still see the dropbox folder on my mac with all of the team's files.

Thanks Megan! I already signed out using the instructions you provided the other person who had a similar problem. I'll try to contact the current admin and have them remove my device from the team dropbox account to make sure I'm ok deleting the folder.

Having accomplished my objective, I decided to uninstall Dropbox. No error messages during installation or uninstallation. However, after it was uninstalled I discovered that my computer was extremely seriously messed up. Now the Documents folder has been moved down into a subdirectory of Dropbox. The new directory structure looks like this:

By the way, the proposed solution became even worse than I thought it was. Discovered another program that was spawning new folders in the original place, so now it becomes necessary to reconcile versions between two subdirectories and I need to know how the OTHER program handles the file system.

I recently had to reinstall Windows 10 on a desktop. I had the Dropbox folder installed on my D drive, which is a separate physical drive (not a partition) from my C drive. The Dropbox app was installed on C, which was reformatted as part of the reinstallation, so I lost the Dropbox app. Since the W10 reinstallation did not affect my D drive (which contains only data files), the Dropbox folder is still there and is intact. When I reinstalled the Dropbox app, it created a new Dropbox folder on C and synced my files to it. I went to sync preferences and tried to move my Dropbox folder to D, but it (correctly) tells me I already have a Dropbox folder there. I thought maybe something as simple as renaming the Dropbox folder on D and then using sync preferences to move the Dropbox folder from C to D would work, but it didn't. I would appreciate any help in reestablishing my Dropbox folder back to D. (FWIW, the "new" Dropbox folder on C has the Dropbox icon with a checkmark at lower left, and the "old" Dropbox folder on D has a plain Dropbox icon).

The question was asking what folder do you want your Dropbox folder to be located in; not what folder do you want your files in. Basically, you told it to create a new Dropbox folder inside your existing one. What you wanted to select was D:\user\me, and then Dropbox would have detected the existing folder and asked if you wanted to use it.

Exit the Dropbox application then uninstall it. Delete the newly created D:\user\me\Dropbox\Dropbox folder, being sure not to delete your original folder. Reinstall Dropbox again and when selecting a location for the Dropbox folder, be sure to select the folder ABOVE your existing Dropbox folder, so D:\user\me. Dropbox should ask if you want to use the existing folder.

Uninstall Dropbox. Rename your existing Dropbox folder to Dropbox_OLD or similar. Reinstall Dropbox and select the location that you want for the Dropbox folder (D:\user\me). When the installation is finished, Dropbox will immediately start to sync. Exit the Dropbox application so syncing stops. Move the content of Dropbox_OLD into the newly created Dropbox folder. When the move is complete, and not before, launch Dropbox again.

My first approach was to rename the existing Dropbox folder on D and then use sync preferences to move the "new" Dropbox folder from C to D. I tried this several times and both times it stopped working in the middle of transferring the files (not sure why). The folder has about 61,000 files.

It appears that the new Dropbox folder on C has finished syncing. Fortunately, I hadn't added any files to my D Dropbox folder, so I now have three locations with the same files-- Dropbox cloud, and C and D Dropbox folders on my desktop.

Hello: I currently have two Dropbox folders-- the folder I have had for a while on D drive (a separate physical drive-- not a partition) ; and the new Dropbox folder on C drive, which was created when I reinstalled the Dropbox app, which was necessitated by having to reformat C drive and reinstall Windows 10. The Dropbox folder on C has the Dropbox icon with a check mark at lower left; and the Dropbox folder on D has the plain Dropbox icon with no other symbols. To my knowledge, there were no disruptions on my system while the file transfer was ongoing.

At this stage, I suspect I would be better off uninstalling the Dropbox app, deleting the Dropbox folder on C, and then reinstalling the Dropbox app assuming I can direct the installation to use the existing Dropbox folder on D. Is there a way to do this?

More specifically, after signing in and before you click on "Open my Dropbox folder", you should see an "Advanced Settings" link. Please click there and try to choose the old syncing location of Dropbox on your D drive.

OK, I have uninstalled/reinstalled Dropbox. I selected Advance Settings during the installation setup and it did ask where I wanted to place the Dropbox folder. The wording is "In which folder do you want the Dropbox folder?" I selected D:\user\me\Dropbox, and now I have a "new" Dropbox folder within my old Dropbox folder, both on D. The old Dropbox folder has the plain Dropbox icon (five blue diamonds in v-shape) next to it. The "new" Dropbox folder has the generic windows yellow folder icon next to it, but also a blue circle with what looks like a white square next to it. It is now syncing my files into this "new" Dropbox folder. I did not see any place where the Dropbox installation setup can be directed to recognize an existing Dropbox folder. I assume I can merge these two Dropbox folders, but I would think the surviving folder needs to be the new one, correct?


I have a Dropbox account with 1TB of space but the problem is I can't use it all as keep getting error message on my Mac saying not enough space? I am only using 1GB at the moment, the problem is my local harddrive is not big enough so I can't use the desktop folder listed under my computer and I originally got a dropbox account so that when I plug a camera into my Mac it would automatically backup all the photos using the desktop app.

Because if you move/remove the existing folder while Dropbox is running, Dropbox could see it as a mass deletion which would then be synced to your account online, deleting all of your files. But, with a few extra steps on your part, that's actually very possible to do.

Uninstall Dropbox. Once uninstalled, rename the existing Dropbox folder to Dropbox_OLD or similar. Reinstall Dropbox and use the options during installation to select the location for your Dropbox folder. As soon as Dropbox is done being installed, it will start to download the files from your account. Pause syncing or exit Dropbox. Move the content of your Dropbox_OLD folder into the newly created Dropbox folder. Resume syncing or relaunch Dropbox and allow it to index your files. This will take time, especially if you have a lot of files. Be patient and let it work. ff782bc1db

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