I have been able to get 2 drobos working now on my windows xp pc, (i had to upgrade the firmware on the new one, which is fair enough), and it worked a treat. managed to copy and paste all the content onto what will become offline / offsite backup ?

The upgrade to the 2.0 Software was a huge improvement over the 1.0 version. A better interface, easier to use features and a more intuitive layout is a big plus for the average guy. There is no reason not to move to this version of the Drobo Dashboard and if you are just purchasing a Drobo, the dashboard should be a tremendous help. Nice work Drobo!

Drobo Dashboard 3.5.2 Download

Download 🔥 https://urlgoal.com/2y4O4t 🔥

Thanks for making me check the firewall! In my case the dashboard was added as a rule, but allowed only on public networks instead of the home networks. After checking the correct settings it connected to the drobo.

You can use Drobos without any special software. The blue capacity lights willfill up as the disks fill. When it gets too full, Drobo will ask for anotherdrive with its drive lights. Just feed it drives when it asks, and that is all.So what is the dashboard good for?

Drobo-utils is a set of linux tools to query and manage Data RoboticsDrobo storage systems. Fire up drobom view, and it should lookfamiliar to those who have seen the dashboard on other operating systems.Drobom view is built on a little python programmer interface which can be installedon the system and used by other applications as well. For experienced Linux hands,the rest of the command line interface is provided by other sub-commands ofdrobom, and offer the same functionality as the view graphical interface.

Drobo-utils accesses drobos via the same files. The softwarescans those files, and asking each device if it is a Drobo.Unfortunately, the way Drobos respond varies, so not all of them respondin a way that the software understands. Even for the samedevice, different physical interconnects may work with different functionality.There are two levels of access to Drobos: data (being able to read andwrite data, and full meaning that the drobo responds to the fullcommand and control language.

Drobo has made it so much easier to obtain much more secure storage, that some withlittle or no professional storage management experience are getting Drobos.Some have the expectation that Drobos, because they allow for disk failures,replace the need for backups. Sad stories have been told about people puttingdata only on the drobo, and no-where else, and then something happens and theylose the data.

That is the easiest installation method, this method ensures that any packagesrequired are automatically installed on the system as part of the aboveinstallation. On other distributions, or if the version in the repositories istoo old, more complicated methods might be needed. For all other installationmethods, one must ensure the packages that drobo-utils requires are installed.These packages are called Dependencies.

This gives a read-only copy of the source code that can be updated with the latestchanges with 'git pull'. One can also select any stable version of drobo-utils by use of'git branch -r', and 'git checkout'. For details, consult git documentation.

very scary, but my drobo is in bad shape right now... normal result is: []as a status, which means there is nothing wrong. To get all kinds ofinformation about the drobo, try 'drobom info.' Invocationwithout arguments at all which will cause it to print out a list of thecommands available through the command line interface.

as root starts a GUI for each drobo attached to a computer.There are various tabs to allow one to obtain information from the Drobo,and also change its configuration. For example, one can use the Formattab of the GUI to partition the device and create a single file systemfor a given LUN.

The above sets up the drobo as one big partition, with a label that saysit ought to contain an ext3[#mke3fs] file system. For an NTFS file system,write ntfs in place of ext3. The next step is to add the filesystem into the partition. while parted's are instantaneous, the mke2fstakes a while, just have a little patience, itll be fine.The coffee is hot disclaimer is necessary at this point:

By default, Drobo creates a separate 'disk' visible to the computer for every 2Terabytes (TiB) of parity-protected capacity on the unit. The natural usagethat a drobo invites in users is to have a single, large device covering all thedata on device. For example, on Mac OS/X, users often create 16 TB LUNS on HFS.This allows all the storage to fit on one large pool. The downside of largerLUNS has to do with startup time, and the time to perform a file system check.

If everything went well, your drobopro should show up under /dev. Also check /var/log/messages toconfirm that the iscsi device connected successfully. After that, drobo-utils should be ableto detect the Drobo and manage it over ethernet/iSCSI.

Those worried about safety of using this software should know: it wasdeveloped with assistance from the vendor (Data Robotics Inc.), andin every case, based on vendor documentation, and with at least encouragement,if not outright support. For each release, a QA.txt file is built, demonstrating the functionality tests run. There are multiple checksum verifications builtinto the firmware upgrade process, so it is next to impossible to brick a drobousing the tools. Drobo-utils verifies firmware checksums before attemptingto upload the image to the device, and the device checks the firmware againstthe checksums as well. New firmware is loaded into an alternate locationfrom the currently active one, and if activation of the new firmware fails,the drobo will simply boot the old one.

A rational means of configuring the Drobo is as a backup repository.The drobo is destination of the backups. Primary copies are on thedesktops & laptops being backed up. Viewed in that way, backup datais easily recovered in the event of a data loss: just backup the systemagain. Of course the history of backups is lost, but the importantthing is usually being able to recover current data.

To find Drobo on a system, drobo-utils queries all the attached devices for indicationsit is made by Data Robotics. These strings change from product to product.If the (new model) Drobo is not detected, then run the command line interfacewith the hardware detection debugging output turned out. like so:

There is still a great role for Drobo space, in that Tier 3 support analysts(essentially developers.) sometimes look over there. For tier 3 support, onecannot expect guaranteed response time, but one may be able to provide someinput into future products or firmware features. It turns out that theDrobospace forums aren't really for support. but don't take my word for it,here is above was DRI's take (verbatim from a post ondrobospace by MarkF 2008/08/29) on things:

Drobospace.com is a user community and relies on the volunteer efforts of its members to help each other. Because it is run by volunteers response to problems varies. Tier 3 support personel monitor the Drobospace forums -- tiers 1 and 2 are focused directly on customers, and they are not required to read drobospace.com. By design Tier 3 personnel do not immediately respond to each posting in order to allow the community to function. Depending on the nature of the problem, tier 3 may post in the forum or contact the member directly through a private message to facilitate problem resolution.

Droboshare is not directly supported by drobo utils running on a linux host.However, the droboshare itself is a linux host, and it is possible to rundrobo-utils un-modified on the droboshare itself. There is download calledthe Droboshare Augmented Root File system (DARFS), which includes a pythoninterpreter and drobo-utils.

Why isn't there full support in host based drobo-utils itself? DigitalRobotics hasn't released details of the protocol used by the proprietarydashboard to communicate with a droboshare, so it would be a lot of work toreverse engineer that. So support of a droboshare from a linux GUI on ahost system is not likely in the near future.

Droboshare is not directly supported by drobo utils running on a linux host.However, the droboshare itself is a linux host, and it is possible to rundrobo-utils un-modified on the droboshare itself. A python interpreter is neededto run drobo-utils. A python interpreter has, itself, a number of dependencies.So you number of packages need to be installed on the droboshare.This is where DARFS comes in.

The Droboshare Augmented Root File System (darfs) is a 60 MB or so downloadyou can get from drobo-utils.sf.net. There isn't any source code, because,well, nothing from any of the packages has been modified. there areinstructions on how to build DARFS in DEVELOPERS

DARFS is a standard droboshare root file system, with some packages added:openssl, openssh, berkeleydb, bzip2, a fairly complete Python 2.6.2. drobo-utils is a python app. and it works in line and API mode, natively, onthe droboshare. for example, I've used it to replace the firmware. noproblem at all.

People un-afraid of the command line can upgrade drobo firmware, querystatus, and take diagnositc dumps, from the command line on the droboshareitself, just as they would on any linux host computer. But a full GUIwould be too much for the little processor and more importantly the limitedmemory in the droboshare, so that is not provided.

(explanation: when one tries to sftp to a droboshare, it gives an errorabout trying to exec '/usr/libexec/sftp-server'. Openssh builds theright binary, but Dropbear doesn't know where to look for it. thelibexec directory isn't there on the droboshare, so there is no harmin creating it and linking into DARFS.)

With DARFS, and the third party software you can get from drobospace anddrobo.com, the droboshare is very open and hackable. However, thereremains a one limitation: There is no open source way to upgrade or modifydroboshare firmware. If you want to re-flash to a factory originalstate, you need the vendor dashboard. e24fc04721

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