Learning Transfer

Programming divergence between the tutorial game and a student-created game.

Creativity from Divergence in Programming

Computational Thinking Pattern Analysis (CTPA) graph can be used as a method for measuring the creativity of a student's programming work. CTPA does this by comparing the student's work to a standard or official tutorial for the same game. The CTPA graph shows the difference between the student's work and the tutorial. The more different the student's work is from the tutorial, the more creative it is.

In the left figure, the green shape represents the tutorial and the brown shape represents the student's work. The space between the two shapes represents the divergence between the student's work and the tutorial. The greater the divergence, the more creative the student's work is.

The CTPA graph is a powerful tool for measuring the creativity of programming work. It can be used to identify students who are demonstrating high levels of creativity and to provide feedback to students on how to improve their creativity.

Here are some of the benefits of using CTPA: