The Best Mobile Device Ever?

The Best Mobile Device Ever?

Apple is rumored to be working on a self-driving vehicle, commonly referred to as “Project Titan.” With the companies typical sleek style, the car may look different than a typical sedan or SUV because vegan.

Apple’s apparent inspiration includes the BMW i3 (aka, the ugly one) and may be more of a “van” body with wide openings and a fancy driver fingerprint detection, allowing the driver to be taken anywhere with the scan of their finger. It’s also said to be used as a taxi system, with the possibility of requesting the car via iPhone. Sorry Uber.

The project came to a halt back in 2015 due to failed leadership, yet it appears they are back on track and expecting a launch between 2023 and 2025. Now we just wait.

You’re welcome for reading. Stay wasted.

- Mav 08.24.2020

Source:, infowealth