Drink Water & Daily Reminder

Privacy Policy

Hello, I am Abdullah YAVUZ. I am pleased that you use my application. Your privacy is important to me, so I am committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes my practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure and protection of information collected through my Service, as well as your choices regarding the collection and use of information.

This page is used to inform visitors regarding my  policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service.

If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. I encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully so that you can make informed decisions about your use of my mobile applications. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data

Personal data refers to personally identifiable information that specifically identifies you as an individual (e.g. your name, email address). I do NOT collect, store or use any of your Personal data.

If you contact me by email, then i will use your email address only for the purpose of contacting you. This will be only in response to a communication from you.

User Entered Data

All data entered into the applications by you remains on your device. I never pass this data and i never use it.

Device Data

Non-personal data refers to information that, by itself, does not personally identify you. I may collect Non-personal data such as your device model number, operating system version, country code and other properties for purposes of managing the applications. I use a third-party analytics service to help anonymously monitor app usage, manage PRO features, and identify potential problems. This is purely a means to help me improve the applications usability experience.

Google Ads

In my app, I may use third-party advertising services, such as Google Ads, to display advertisements. These services may use technologies like cookies or mobile identifiers to collect information about user interactions with the ads and the app. The collected data may include, but is not limited to, device information, IP addresses, and unique advertising identifiers. This information is used to provide targeted advertisements and to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.  I recommend reviewing the privacy policies of these services for more information

 You can find Google's privacy policy for ads here: https://safety.google/privacy/ads-and-data/


While i prioritize the protection of user privacy and i don't store or use any personal information it's important to note that my mobile applications may integrate APIs from third parties. Specifically, my applications may leverage RevenueCat to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of user interactions. RevenueCat helps me analyze metrics such as revenue generation, subscription management, and user engagement. The data collected may include insights into subscription durations, revenue generated, and regional information (Country/Region) of my users. This information is used to evaluate the performance of my applications and improve the overall user experience.

For more details on RevenueCat's privacy policy, please refer to the following link: https://www.revenuecat.com/privacy/

By using my applications, you agree to the terms of this policy

Acceptance of the terms

By using my applications, you agree to the terms of this policy. If you do not accept the terms in this policy, please do not install or use my applications. The continued use of my products after any amendment of this privacy policy will be deemed your acceptance of the changes and/or new terms.

Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy may be updated at any time. I suggest you check this page on a regular basis so you are aware of any modifications. You acknowledge and accept that it is your responsibility to periodically review this policy so you are aware of modifications.

I reserve the right to change this Policy at any time. If i decide to change this Policy, i will post those changes on this page and update the date at the top of the page. The changes will be effective when posted. Please check this page on a regular basis so that you remain aware of what information i collect and how i use it.

Contact information

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact me: contact.DrinkWater@gmail.com

This policy is effective as of 27-01-2024