DrinkBot is a personal assistant robot that grabs cups for the elderly and disabled.
This project's mission is to improve the quality of life of those less fortunate - starting with the elderly and disabled.
“You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” We take so much for granted and don’t appreciate the little things. What about those who cannot perform simple tasks like getting up, walking to the kitchen table, and getting something to eat or drink?
The world is becoming more and more technologically advanced, but mostly to the benefit of young people. Elderly people struggle with apps, phones, computers, and other devices. Not only that, but elderly and disabled people may not even be able to perform simple tasks like getting a glass of water from the tap. In addition, they may be inclined to feel guilty about having to bother other people to look after them.
DrinkBot is a personal assistant robot that can grab and hold cups for the elderly and disabled to drink from. It operates on the ground with four wheels and uses a claw to grab cups. DrinkBot gives disabled people more power and control over their lives, so they can be more independent and perform more tasks themselves. This project is the start of an idea to use technology to improve the daily lives of disabled or less fortunate people and help them become more independent.