The above mechanism to ignore resources can be used in combination with filter rules. Bear in mind that if the same resource is included by a filter rule and excluded inside the .driftignore file, driftctl will just ignore this resource.

AWS rate limiting isn't really controllable directly, and can't be increased through AWS support. However, all of the AWS SDKs do automatic backoff and retry for throttling errors. It does partly depend on how driftctl is implemented too, and how it uses the AWS clients in the SDK.

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Bear in mind that when you hit these rate limits, often something is happening that may not be desirable. It's worth turning on verbose logging for driftctl if possible, to see what the AWS API calls it's making actually are, and if they are ones you would expect to see.

BOSTON - October 29, 2021 - Snyk, the leader in developer security, today announced they have agreed to acquire CloudSkiff, creators of the leading open source tool for drift detection, driftctl.

One of today's greatest challenges in an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) managed infrastructure environment is the ability to effectively identify discrepancies as they happen. driftctl catches drift outside of a developer's infrastructure code, filling in a crucial missing element of a comprehensive DevSecOps toolbox. The agreement to acquire CloudSkiff now enables the global Snyk team to accelerate adding these enhanced drift detection capabilities to Snyk IaC, while also continuing to encourage and facilitate the open source development of driftctl.

Empowering developers to own and fix these issues is critical as over half of today's applications include some form of IaC.1 driftctl effectively closes these gaps for IaC engineers and immediately extends Snyk IaC's capabilities in significant ways, including:

Snyk is fully committed to maintaining driftctl as an open source tool moving forward. The full transparency of the work on driftctl, including live coding and demonstration sessions as well as the community interaction on key issues in GitHub and on Discord will successfully continue as Snyk recognizes that the recent growth of IaC tools has largely been due to the contributions of the active IaC community.

"We recognize the team powering driftctl as the ultimate experts in the widely acknowledged issues associated with infrastructure drift," said Peter McKay, CEO, Snyk. "We're excited that millions of developers worldwide will now have access to an IaC product that combines these increased infrastructure drift capabilities with the power of the comprehensive Snyk platform. We're particularly thrilled to welcome the active driftctl community into the Snyk family, and will continue to actively develop driftctl as an open source tool."

In this section you use a Python script to create a report that combines the Driftctl JSON output of both AWS accounts. To obtain Region and account ID information, the script runs a terraform output command in each location with driftctl-result.json.

The part we are interested in is the hosted-state-download-url attribute which provides a url from which we can download the raw state tfstate.

We can then use this url with the HTTPReader already present in driftctl which allows us to get a state from an https endpoint.

driftctl reads Terraform state files and checks that against the actual running infrastructure. It currently supports Terraform as the IAC tool and works against a subset of AWS resources only - namely EC2, S3, IAM, RDS and Lambda, but support for GCP and Azure is part of the roadmap. The primary command in driftctl is "scan" which parses Terraform state files. It can also filter out resources by tags, to handle cases where one wishes to ignore unavoidable manual changes. A scan outputs the resources that are out of sync with the expected state, both in human-readable as well as in JSON format for programmatic parsing.

The authors of the tool spoke to around 200 DevOps teams to learn about infrastructure drift challenges. The key learnings from their survey (PDF) were that application and deployment induced drift is widespread, security issues are a major concern, and GitOps is not sufficient to prevent drift. 96% of the teams surveyed mentioned bypassing the IAC tool as the leading cause of drift, while 50% mentioned application and deployment induced drift. Some teams run "terraform plan" in a cron job - which outputs the changes that Terraform detects and thus indicates the differences between committed code and the running infrastructure. Jourdan elaborates on how driftctl aims to tackle this:

driftctl compares the Terraform state files against the cloud provider APIs for unexpected modifications, but also and maybe more importantly the other way around (deltas from API to TF state) so we catch all manual changes on the console/API.

There are tools like terraformer or terraforming that can generate the Terraform code based on existing infrastructure. Once generated, "terraform import" can be used to merge selective changes into the Terraform code to be committed to version control. Jourdan explains driftctl's roadmap in this context:

Since I am using Consul backend and my configuration isdefined in the Terragrunt code, I will run terragrunt state pull on each of my modules.It will automatically generate Terraform backend config and pull the state to a local folder.Then, I will pass my local state files using glob pattern to driftctl scan command.

If the AWS CLI region is set to eu-west-2, but the state files have resources from eu-west-1region, it will show that resources are found in the state, but not in the AWS account.Also, driftctl will always scan global resources like IAM users or Route53 zones.

To use driftctl, we need credentials to make authenticated requests to AWS. Driftctl supports IAM role as an authorization tool, which is considered a good practice and then defining a profile for the role in your ~/.aws/config file. (for more details click the link)

Once you configured your AWS credentials and assign proper permissions , run driftctl scan command to scan resources from the input Terraform statefile and compare it to your current profile infrastructure.

You can integrate driftctl in Jenkins and setup a scheduled job to detect drifts as they happen. To quickly share & easily access reports across the team, we can store daily HTML reports on an S3 bucket and generate pre-sign url out of it.

It is worth noting though as of June 2023, Snyk R&D will no longer provide community support for driftctl. Driftctl will still be available as an open source project but there is no promise to review contributions.

You will need to assign proper permissions to allow driftctl to scan your account. Below is an example of configured AWS credentials. Further instructions for the different providers can be found in the docs.

Driftctl allows you to perform one of the most crucial aspects of IaC management, which is to detect resources that have drifted from your desired state. It is capable of finding managed resources that have drifted as well as unmanaged resources that were created outside of driftctl.

Cloudskiff helps DevOps, SRE and cloud engineers to protect their codified cloud infrastructures. Our first tool, driftctl ( ), is a free and open-source CLI that tracks, analyzes, prioritizes, and warns of infrastructure drift. driftctl enhances the devops toolbox to reinforce the security 17dc91bb1f

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