Hi, I'm Dr. Hossein Dehghani. I am a quantum research scientist at Joint Quantum Institute at University of Maryland. My recent work is focused on the interface of quantum many body systems, quantum information, and quantum dynamics. 

In the last couple of years I have worked intensively on quantum many body systems, quantum dynamics and quantum information sciences. Some of these topics include the following subjects: driven dissipative systems, Floquet topological systems, topological phase transitions and topological field theory, non-equilibrium superconductivity, and more recently quantum dynamics of stabilizer circuits and  quantum error correction. In my research I have employed different analytical and computational methods including quantum field theory, exact diagonalization of many body quantum systems, DMRG and MPS tools, and machine/deep learning algorithms. Some of my current research projects include study of random Haar circuits, topological order at finite temperature, and Floquet error correcting codes. Please check my google scholar page if interested to know about my most recent works. I also upload the codes that I use in my research projects at my github webpage.

Selected work


 Extraction of Topological Invariants From a Single Wave Function

Neural Network Decoders for Measurement Induced Phase Transitions

I am always interested to learn more and discuss new ideas. If you have any questions or interesting ideas related to any of my works shoot me an email: hdehghan@umd.edu