Angela Fernandes

Sadly, Angela Fernandes nee Mascarenhas passed away on August 18, 2023.   Angela leaves behind her husband Ignatius and daughter Michelle (Byron) and grandchildren Aiden and Zoe and daughter Mia (Nirav) and grandchildren Xian and Amani.

Obituary (Glen Oaks Funeral Home): In Loving Memory 

Visitation:  Glen Oaks Cemetery,  3164 Ninth Line, Oakville ON L6H 7A8

August 25, 2023   2:00 PM - 04:00 PM  and  6:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Funeral Mass:  St. Paul the Apostle Parish,  2265 Headon Road,  Burlington ON L7M 4E2

August 26, 2023 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

To view the Glen Oaks Funeral Webcast  funeral mass, please click on the following link on Saturday August 26, 2023 at 11 a.m:

Condolences: Funeral home guestbook



Beautiful Angela

“....a thing of beauty is a joy’s loveliness will never fade into nothingness……” so wrote John Keats, the noted English poet , some long years ago. He quite easily could have been referring to Angela.

I had the extraordinary privilege of getting to know Angela a little better in 1965, when we took our “O Levels” through the Dr. Ribeiro Goan School. As I recall, she was affectionately referred to as “Angela Muskie” and occupied a front seat in the classroom, diligently complying with the regimen of education, all the while being very respectful and kind. Not for her were the contemporary norms of rebellion and unruly behaviour! Her kindness and generosity of spirit carried into her adult life : she faithfully served the Church as a Eucharistic Minister.

I vividly remember Angela’s wit. I was at the Oakville Hudson’s Bay, and attempting to quickly try and fit into a size “S” T-Shirt over my existing clothing. As I futilely tried this maneuver, Angela passed by and quipped....“does not fit?” My immediate inclination was to protest....”I’m really not

that fat!”....but she was gone!

It’s only fitting that I pay tribute to Angela’s beloved Mother who has stoically overseen the passing of her dear husband and children. Meanwhile, we mere earthly mortals gaze upwards almost jealously, as Angela is smothered with eternal love and ecclesiastic joy. A reward well earned!

Ray De Mello

Classmates Zemira, Sara, Angela and Jennifer 

at the '65 Nairobi Show

Angela & Iggy